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Applying for Partner visa while on Study visa?

anashinanashin AustraliaPosts: 17Member
edited May 2017 in Study and Training Visa
Hi guys, im weighing all the options to have PR so is the below scenario possible?

While on student visa (lets say 12-16 mos) and after a year of living together with my Aussie boyfriend (from the day I will come as a student we will start living together na), can we apply for Partner visa?

Will they question ba bakit ako nagstudent visa muna?

Thanks guys!


  • LykaLyka Melbourne Australia
    Posts: 22Member
    Joined: Sep 12, 2017
    Hello anashin, How are you? What happened with your case? Your response would be highly appreciated. Thank you! I'm on a student visa for 9 months now and my fiancee and I are planning to get married next month. Just a simple civil wedding here in Melbourne. After wedding, I am thinking of applying for a partner visa but I will still continue my studies. My only concern would be, will I be able to allow to work full time while the partner visa is pending? Thanks a lot!
  • anashinanashin Australia
    Posts: 17Member
    Joined: May 27, 2017
    @Lyka Hi, sorry for the late reply. Di ko pinursue yung student visa, instead PMV 300 na lang inapply namin. Waiting kami ngayon.
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