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221213 External Auditor|489 - 70pts - SS NT
21|07|16 - Applied CPAA membership assessment
31|07|16 - PTE-A L|S|W|R (73|79|78|77)
01|08|16 - Submitted CPAA migration assessment
20|09|17 - EOI 190 - NT (delayed due to show money req.)
- collating requirements for NT SS application
18|10|17 - Submitted NT SS application (praying for + result)
24|04|18 - 190 not successful,
- was offered 489 instead and accepted the offer
- engaged with visa consort agency for visa application submission.
26|04|18 - Invited to apply for SS visa 489 - Northern Territory
02|05|18 - PCC processing
20|05|18 - Medical
06|06|18 - Visa payment
15|09|18 - happy na birthday pa, visa grant pa.. TYL
09|02|19 - Big move
11|02|19 - First job interview
12|02|19 - Received a job offer
13|02|19 - Accepted job offer
13|08|19 - Accepted a new job offer - new employer
16|10|20 - Started new job - a better opportunity
01|01|21 - Started CPA Australia qualification
10|02|21 - Lodged 887 visa application
June 2021 - First CPA subject passed
Nov 2021 - 2nd CPA Subject passed
June 2022 - 3rd and 4th CPA subject passed
Nov 2022 - 5th subject passed (failed the other one)
Feb 2023 - PR visa granted
June 2023 - Officially a CPA Australia member
Apr 2024 - Joined the government (employee)
July 2024 - Citizenship exam & passed
Nov 2024 - Citizenship Ceremony
Posts: 691Member
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Anyone here knows a room for rent in Tullamarine Area. (Keilor, Airport West, basta malapit!
Posts: 3,532Member, Moderator
Joined: Oct 04, 2011
221213 External Auditor|489 - 70pts - SS NT
21|07|16 - Applied CPAA membership assessment
31|07|16 - PTE-A L|S|W|R (73|79|78|77)
01|08|16 - Submitted CPAA migration assessment
20|09|17 - EOI 190 - NT (delayed due to show money req.)
- collating requirements for NT SS application
18|10|17 - Submitted NT SS application (praying for + result)
24|04|18 - 190 not successful,
- was offered 489 instead and accepted the offer
- engaged with visa consort agency for visa application submission.
26|04|18 - Invited to apply for SS visa 489 - Northern Territory
02|05|18 - PCC processing
20|05|18 - Medical
06|06|18 - Visa payment
15|09|18 - happy na birthday pa, visa grant pa.. TYL
09|02|19 - Big move
11|02|19 - First job interview
12|02|19 - Received a job offer
13|02|19 - Accepted job offer
13|08|19 - Accepted a new job offer - new employer
16|10|20 - Started new job - a better opportunity
01|01|21 - Started CPA Australia qualification
10|02|21 - Lodged 887 visa application
June 2021 - First CPA subject passed
Nov 2021 - 2nd CPA Subject passed
June 2022 - 3rd and 4th CPA subject passed
Nov 2022 - 5th subject passed (failed the other one)
Feb 2023 - PR visa granted
June 2023 - Officially a CPA Australia member
Apr 2024 - Joined the government (employee)
July 2024 - Citizenship exam & passed
Nov 2024 - Citizenship Ceremony
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I’m just hoping somebody here knows a place. Some people here are already in AU anyway.
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Any advice po to which area to choose.
No child yet.
Husband taking bridging soon.
I understand that it should be based on lifestyle.
My friend said choose Melby as entry then transfer to regional area in few years.
Salary in regional areas is higher daw po.
Thank you so much.
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Be aware of this may soon implemented in the near future.
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unlike Queensland they required to gain State sponsor and working in QLD must registered Professional Engineer in QLD through RPEQ by EA NER registration.
Posts: 365Member
Joined: Jan 31, 2018
""""""Victoria is poised to follow Queensland’s lead, with the introduction of the Engineers Registration Bill to state parliament yesterday. If passed, the bill will introduce a state-wide mandatory registration system for engineers providing professional services in Victoria or exporting their services from the state."""""""
The importance of the engineering profession is one step closer to being recognised in Victorian legislation, with the introduction of a bill to highlight the critical nature of engineering skills and increase public confidence.
Unlike many parts of Asia, the US and Europe, the term ‘engineer’, and the training, experience and proven professional competence it entails does not have national statutory protection in Australia.
Currently, Queensland is the only state of territory with a comprehensive registration scheme for engineer.
Victoria is poised to follow Queensland’s lead, with the introduction of the Engineers Registration Bill to state parliament yesterday. If passed, the bill will introduce a state-wide mandatory registration system for engineers providing professional services in Victoria or exporting their services from the state.
According to Engineers Australia CEO Peter McIntyre, the organisation has been working closely with the Victorian Government to ensure that the legislation provides industry, the community and government that engineers in Victoria are qualified and working to professional standards.
McIntyre stated that this will bring us into line with global efforts to establish the reputation of engineering as a critical profession.
"Many countries see engineering as a critical profession, whose practitioners are recognised and registered by government.”
The Victorian and Queensland governments are working to introduce mutual recognition between the two states’ schemes once the Victorian legislation has passed.
In Queensland, engineers use the National Engineering Register (NER) as a pathway to government registration. McIntyre expects that Victoria, and other states and territories who subsequently adopt mandatory registration, will follow a similar path.
McIntyre encouraged engineers to register on the NER before the Victorian legislation takes effect.
"The NER not only fulfils engineers’ professional practice obligations, but showcases their capabilities to prospective employers and consumers of engineering services," McIntyre said.
The introduction of mandatory registration for engineers will not only recognise the importance of the profession, but reduce the risks of work that does not meet professional standards.
"Risks may include increased construction and rectification costs, litigation expenses, lost production and injury or death,” McIntyre explained.
Unlike professions like law and medicine, there is currently no national provision to prevent engineers from practicing due to professional negligence.
While consistent national legislation to introduce mandatory registration for engineers is yet to be achieved, McIntyre said that the NER provides important information about professionals who have chosen to register.
“Engineers Australia’s NER will provide information about expected professional standards and whether engineers have the requisite professional practices that support the services they offer," he said.
The second reading of the Engineers Registration Bill was moved in the Victorian Parliament today and the bill has now been made publically available on the Victorian Legislation and Parliamentary Documents website.
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" Have a look at job ads for engineering particularly in Queensland, there is no mention of registration being required at all. " this is was you have mentioned. ;-)
Check this website for your information. ( Professional ENGINEER is a must RPEQ)
This is what I'm trying to point out for future application that VIC as you have mention may implement this rule ( if approved)
Why I shared the information for fellow Engineers.. so that they are aware that in the near future it may coz changes in the requirements.. no one can predict the scenario in migration. If VIC doesn't want to implement the registration then is good for aspiring migrant but if they implement then all engineers must comply to the requirements.
I'm not trying to debate with you, I'm sharing to fellow Engineers ;-) Cheers
Visa 189 for Engineers is competitive and under prorate occupation therefore the plan B is go for state nomination.
Joined: Mar 10, 2016
There is an emphasis on engineers without supervision in that link. So registration would be more for those “top dogs” within the company as previously explained.
So far, Victoria has not imposed this on aspiring 190 and 489 migrants, we agents would otherwise be aware about it.
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Just that Victoria at the present time dont implement in VISA 190 and 489 requirements which is good for Offshore and Onshore Engineers.
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yan na mismo yung processing time nila, minsan mas mabilis pa. superior english na si hubby mo? naging sobrang choosy sila since Jan 2018 sa english test, gusto nila superior (pareho sila ni NSW) ewan ko nalang this new fiscal year.
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The flower that blooms in adversity, is the most rare and beautiful.
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To apply for Victorian visa nomination under the Skilled Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 489) you must have a current job offer in your nominated occupation within a regional area of Victoria.
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The flower that blooms in adversity, is the most rare and beautiful.