How long did it take you to get a job?
most recent by lvnrtnr
NAATI - CCL exam - additional 5 points for 189/190 visa
most recent by CinnZinn
most recent by Iampirate13
most recent by CantThinkAnyUserName
Engineers Australia Skills Assessment
most recent by mamertz
most recent by whimpee
most recent by RheaMARN1171933
Launceston Tasmania - looking for friends!
most recent by Factormeals
most recent by jmcounters
The longest running Pinoy-Australian Forum site in the history. We are connecting Pinoys "in" and "to" Australia since 2010! If you want to join in, click one of these buttons!
Posts: 62Member
Joined: Jan 02, 2011
Posts: 571Member, De-activated
Joined: Dec 29, 2010
Please contact admin if you need anything from me, I dont often login to this account.
Please spare some time to read our "Rules" located at the bottom of the page.
Posts: 58Member
Joined: Aug 25, 2011
NAATI Accreditation may be obtained in five ways:
a) Passing a NAATI accreditation test
b) successful completion of a course of studies in translation and/or interpreting at an Australian institution as approved by NAATI
c) providing evidence of a specialised tertiary qualification in translation and/or interpreting obtained from an educational institution overseas
d) providing evidence of a membership of a recognised international translating and/or interpreting professional association
e) providing evidence of advanced standing in translating or interpreting.
Posts: 571Member, De-activated
Joined: Dec 29, 2010
Please contact admin if you need anything from me, I dont often login to this account.
Please spare some time to read our "Rules" located at the bottom of the page.