ANZSCO 311411 | Age :30, Education: 15, Experience: 10, PTE: 10|
04.04.2018 | Lodged Vetassess Assessment
05.31.2018 | Vetassess Result : POSITIVE
06.18.2018 | PTE Mock Test A |LRSW|65/69/79/68|
06.23.2018 | PTE Mock Test B |LRSW|74/65/84/76|
06.28.2018 | PTE-A |LRSW|74/73/90/74|
07.06.2018 | Submitted 190 EOI 65+5=70 pts SA|
07.08.2018 | Lodged SA State Nomination Application
10.03.2018 | 190 Invitation Received.
10.12.2018 | Singapore COC issued
11.06.2018 | NBI Clearance Issued
11.17.2018 | Medicals (Point Medical Paragon)
11.23.2018 | Health Clearance Provided - No Actions Required
11.23.2018 | Visa Lodgement
03.04.2019 | Direct Grant! Thank you LORD!
04.18.2019 | IED | Adelaide
03.18.2021 | BM | Adelaide
| Set your goals high, and don't stop till you get there.|
General Skilled Immigration Visa - Step By Step Process
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Working in government office in AU.
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Overview of the Australian journey
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SG-based Members; drop by here! (",)
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Philippines - Accredited Schools and Section
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The longest running Pinoy-Australian Forum site in the history. We are connecting Pinoys "in" and "to" Australia since 2010! If you want to join in, click one of these buttons!
Posts: 98Member
Joined: May 17, 2018
233211 Civil Engineer |AGE=30pts | EDUCATION=15pts| EXPERIENCE= 15pts | ENGLISH=20pts ||| Total: 80pts
Thank you Lord! Thank you Pinoyau members!
Posts: 472Member
Joined: Mar 31, 2018
ANZSCO 311411 | Age :30, Education: 15, Experience: 10, PTE: 10|
04.04.2018 | Lodged Vetassess Assessment
05.31.2018 | Vetassess Result : POSITIVE
06.18.2018 | PTE Mock Test A |LRSW|65/69/79/68|
06.23.2018 | PTE Mock Test B |LRSW|74/65/84/76|
06.28.2018 | PTE-A |LRSW|74/73/90/74|
07.06.2018 | Submitted 190 EOI 65+5=70 pts SA|
07.08.2018 | Lodged SA State Nomination Application
10.03.2018 | 190 Invitation Received.
10.12.2018 | Singapore COC issued
11.06.2018 | NBI Clearance Issued
11.17.2018 | Medicals (Point Medical Paragon)
11.23.2018 | Health Clearance Provided - No Actions Required
11.23.2018 | Visa Lodgement
03.04.2019 | Direct Grant! Thank you LORD!
04.18.2019 | IED | Adelaide
03.18.2021 | BM | Adelaide
| Set your goals high, and don't stop till you get there.|
Posts: 98Member
Joined: May 17, 2018
233211 Civil Engineer |AGE=30pts | EDUCATION=15pts| EXPERIENCE= 15pts | ENGLISH=20pts ||| Total: 80pts
Thank you Lord! Thank you Pinoyau members!
Posts: 472Member
Joined: Mar 31, 2018
ANZSCO 311411 | Age :30, Education: 15, Experience: 10, PTE: 10|
04.04.2018 | Lodged Vetassess Assessment
05.31.2018 | Vetassess Result : POSITIVE
06.18.2018 | PTE Mock Test A |LRSW|65/69/79/68|
06.23.2018 | PTE Mock Test B |LRSW|74/65/84/76|
06.28.2018 | PTE-A |LRSW|74/73/90/74|
07.06.2018 | Submitted 190 EOI 65+5=70 pts SA|
07.08.2018 | Lodged SA State Nomination Application
10.03.2018 | 190 Invitation Received.
10.12.2018 | Singapore COC issued
11.06.2018 | NBI Clearance Issued
11.17.2018 | Medicals (Point Medical Paragon)
11.23.2018 | Health Clearance Provided - No Actions Required
11.23.2018 | Visa Lodgement
03.04.2019 | Direct Grant! Thank you LORD!
04.18.2019 | IED | Adelaide
03.18.2021 | BM | Adelaide
| Set your goals high, and don't stop till you get there.|
Posts: 24Member
Joined: Oct 11, 2017