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What's the best state with the most IT jobs?

Hi mga kabayan,

I'm new here so I apologize for the early intrusion with some concerns about my planned application.

My background:
- I have been a Release Engineer for 3 years and a DevOps Engineer for 1 year...I believe that I fall under the Software Engineer ANZCSO classification based on their disc
- I have a gf that I plan to marry before applying. I don't know if this is the best move, but I hear it's better than if I go apply without her
- I'm currently 25 years old

Based on how I understood and used the points calculator, subclass 189 will only merit me 60 points. The current requirement is 65 so I thought of subclass 489.

Considering the stories I've heard of how hard it is to land a job in Australia, I'd like to know beforehand if there is a preferable state under the subclass 489 pathway that I should apply for as an IT professional.

Thanks in advance! :)


  • cyborg5cyborg5 Australia
    Posts: 283Member
    Joined: Apr 08, 2018
    190 can get you 60+5.
    Not sure how you came up with your calculation as you didn't provide a breakdown, but if you can, try maximising English to 20 pts.

    65 gets you in the game but the cutoff of 261313 is 70-75 , kindly verify latest round. Meaning it will take ages for you to get invitation if ever.

    The flower that blooms in adversity, is the most rare and beautiful.

  • robertkingrobertking QC
    Posts: 9Member
    Joined: Jan 17, 2019
    @cyborg5 hmmm quick I need a job offer for 190/489?
  • magueromaguero Adelaide
    Posts: 831Member
    Joined: Oct 24, 2016
    edited January 2019
    @robertking It depends on the state. Some states require a job offer and some don't. You should visit the website of each state to check which ones are sponsoring your occupation and what their requirements are. Each state has its own application process and requirements.
  • robertkingrobertking QC
    Posts: 9Member
    Joined: Jan 17, 2019
    I'll recompute and get back to you guys shortly :)
  • patotoypatotoy Posts: 446Member
    Joined: Dec 14, 2017
    if i compute your points, i think max you can have right now is 65.

    Age - 30 points (since 25-32 = 30 points)
    English - 20 points (superior)
    School - 15 (if Bachelor's degree)
    Work - 0 (since default is minus 2. 5 points if you have 3 yrs relevant/counted exp)

    total = 65
  • robertkingrobertking QC
    Posts: 9Member
    Joined: Jan 17, 2019
    @patotoy Actually, my work experience is as follows:

    1 year, 2 months - Junior Technical Consultant
    2 years, 10 months - Release Engineer
    1 year (this coming April 2019) - DevOps Engineer

    My total local work experience is 5 years, however, I'm concerned about the Junior Technical Consultant part as it is not clear in my contract what my role is...

    Would they consider that though?
  • patotoypatotoy Posts: 446Member
    Joined: Dec 14, 2017
    you can try to have it assessed but no guarantees since it is not aligned with the anzsco code that you are planning to apply.
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