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Room for Rent in Springvale VIC

GiegieGiegie MelbournePosts: 19Member
We just recently moved to a 3-Bedroom house in Springvale and one bedroom is available for rent! We are a family of 4 and we just recently arrived in Melbourne with our sons ages 3 & 5 years old.


- walking distance to Springvale Train Station
- near to cheapest markets and centres namely the Springvale Shopping Centre, etc
- near to Woolworths and other grocery stores
- Cafe, Salon, Commonwealth Bank, Chemist Store, etc - ALL WALKING DISTANCE

The room is furnished, very spacious and has a Built-in wardrobe, Single Bed frame only (please let me know if you want us to provide mattress), Duct heater and a Parking space. The house has 2 toilets and 1 bathroom.


Female (Single Occupancy)
Student/Working Professional
Must stay with a minimum of 3 months
Must provide at least 1 month notice before leaving
Rent is affordable and includes bills.

If interested, kindly drop me a message and you can arrange for inspection or I can send you pictures.


  • sgl663sgl663 Philippines
    Posts: 18Member
    Joined: Jul 28, 2015
    Hi. Is your apt near Monash Uni in Clayton?
  • GiegieGiegie Melbourne
    Posts: 19Member
    Joined: Nov 11, 2018
    Yup very near, 2 stations away.
  • Blakburn3130Blakburn3130 Australia
    Posts: 34Member
    Joined: Dec 30, 2015

    is it taken now?

  • GiegieGiegie Melbourne
    Posts: 19Member
    Joined: Nov 11, 2018
    Hi, Sorry for the late reply. Are you still looking for a room?
  • jezzeljezzel Posts: 6Member
    Joined: Jun 27, 2019
    Still avail? How much po?
  • Blakburn3130Blakburn3130 Australia
    Posts: 34Member
    Joined: Dec 30, 2015

    still looking?

  • kathrinearvenbeninkathrinearvenbenin Singapore
    Posts: 5Member
    Joined: Jul 11, 2014
    Still available?
  • riabagapororiabagaporo Posts: 3Member
    Joined: Oct 04, 2019

    Still available?

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