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2-Bedroom Furnished New House For Rent in Marsden Park (near Costco and Ikea)

anastacia0228anastacia0228 Marsden Park, NSWPosts: 39Member

We are looking for a couple or family of 3 to occupy our new house of 2 bedrooms - single storey. We will be renting it out furnished with fridge, washing machine, furnitures. This is a great nest for newly migrate couple / small family of 3.

Great neighborhood.
Bus stops are just a few steps away.
Walking distance to Playgrounds.
There is a Catholic school within the neighborhood (St. Luke's) - you can walk or drive within 3 mins.
6-7 minutes away from Riverstone station, Schofields station or the new Sydney Metro (Tallawong) with free shuttle bus going to Schofields during peak hours in the morning and afternoon.
5-10 minute drive to Ikea, Costco and Woolworths.

Please PM me if you are interested.

March 2014 - Big Move to Down Under


  • chicklet1971chicklet1971 NSW
    Posts: 2Member
    Joined: Aug 20, 2019

    hello po. how much po ang rent sa new house nyo?

  • SVelascoSVelasco Posts: 3Member
    Joined: Sep 02, 2019
    Hi is this still available?
  • anastacia0228anastacia0228 Marsden Park, NSW
    Posts: 39Member
    Joined: Jan 07, 2013

    hi , house is still available. please pm me for more details.. thank you

    March 2014 - Big Move to Down Under

  • macoy000macoy000 Philippines
    Posts: 11Member
    Joined: Mar 01, 2017

    is this still available. family of 4 with 2 little kids. 4 & 2

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