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OET combined scores for PR

johnnydapperjohnnydapper AustraliaPosts: 175Member
Hi! I took my OET last June 2018 but obtained Listening - B
Reading- B
Speaking- B
Writing- C+

so I retook Writing ONLY and finally got a "B". I used this result to become a nurse in New Zealand and now I am also registered as a nurse in AHPRA/NMBA under trans-tasman. I am now waiting for my LOD from ANMAC to arrive.

My question is, once I am ready for SkillSelect and 189 Visa application, will my combined OET scores be acceptable to DIBP even though I only took the writing subtest?

Thank you!

EOI: July 1,2019 with 75 points SA Registered Nurse
Invite: October 3, 2019
Lodge: October 17, 2019
Direct Grant: December 3, 2019


  • oecdenisoecdenis Posts: 4Member
    Joined: Oct 29, 2019

    I am trying find out the answer too. I have tired to contact the visa centre, immigration advisor and even Australia department of affair general enquiry, non of them can give me a 100% sure answer. It's is really frustrating.

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