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How to be an occupational therapist in australia?

Hello i am a filipino who is currentlynworking for e years as an OT consultant here in the phil, please i need information how to apply for work as an OT on Aus, what are the ways i need to do or to consider..thank you!


  • brainsapbrainsap QR
    Posts: 157Member
    Joined: Mar 26, 2019

    Hey I think I know you. There are a lot of options for OT, tbh. One is employer-based and the other is general skilled migration. Just take the english test first (IELTS, PTE, or TOEFL) and apply for registration from OT Council. Registration will only take a week. Then after that, pwede ka na mag-apply. Madami employers willing to sponsor OTs from overseas.

    ANZSCO: 252411| Age: 30 pts | Education: 15 pts | Experience: 5 pts | English: 10 pts |

    25.04.19 - PTE-A
    06.05.19 - Lodged OT Council Assessment
    15.05.19 - Positive Assessment from OT Council
    01.08.19 - Submitted EOI for 190 South Australia (SA)
    01.08.19 - Lodged South Australia (SA) State Nomination
    01.10.19 - ITA Received for 190 South Australia (SA)
    07.10.19 - Qatar PCC Received
    18.10.19 - NBI Clearance
    21.10.19 - Medicals at Nationwide Health Systems (Makati City)
    23.10.19 - Health Clearance Provided - No Action Required
    26.10.19 - Visa 190 Lodged
    05.12.19 - CO Contact - PCC
    06.12.19 - Responded to CO Contact
    07.01.20 - VISA GRANTED

  • Uriarte12691Uriarte12691 Posts: 3Member
    Joined: Nov 01, 2019

    I think i know you too. Hahaahahha. Pcmc? 🤣

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