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OEC for 489 returning to Australia

mejammejam BRISBANEPosts: 2Member
edited March 2019 in Other Migration Topic

I'm currently on a 489 Visa and nagbakasyon sa Pinas for 10 days. May work ako sa Australia but I'm not sure kung kelangan ko pa bang kumuha ng OEC. Tumawag ako sa POEA Davao at sabi nila kelangan daw pero may nabasa ako sa ibang thread na hindi na. Ang hirap kumuha ng OEC kasi original contract ang requirement and kelangan with seal from POLO at di ko makuha kasi nasa Pinas ako. Anyone with same experience in 2019? Please hellllp!!!!


  • SGtoAUSGtoAU hervey Bay
    Posts: 215Member
    Joined: Feb 08, 2015

    @mejam said:

    I'm currently on a 489 Visa and nagbakasyon sa Pinas for 10 days. May work ako sa Australia but I'm not sure kung kelangan ko pa bang kumuha ng OEC. Tumawag ako sa POEA Davao at sabi nila kelangan daw pero may nabasa ako sa ibang thread na hindi na. Ang hirap kumuha ng OEC kasi original contract ang requirement and kelangan with seal from POLO at di ko makuha kasi nasa Pinas ako. Anyone with same experience in 2019? Please hellllp!!!!

    Hello po same question, need po ba oec for 489?

    I am happy to help If you need a mortgage broker. Email - [email protected] /

    Anszco Code: Construction Project Manager 133111
    28 Oct 17: IELTS test
    15 Apr 18: Skills Assessment Submitted (Vetassess)
    24 May 18: Positive Assessment received from Vetassess
    23 Jul 18: Lodged EOI for Subclass 489 QLD
    28 Aug 18: Received pre-invite from QLD
    04 Sep 18: Submitted all documents to QLD
    12 Sep 18: Received approval from QLD and invitation to apply
    17 Sep 18: Visa lodge
    22 Dec 18: Direct grant 12 Sep 18: Received approval from QLD and invitation to apply
    17 Sep 18: Visa lodge
    22 Dec 18: Direct grant
    01 Aug 2021: Applied for 887 visa
    Currently Waiting for PR grant

  • iamveeiamvee SG
    Posts: 66Member
    Joined: Aug 15, 2017

    Following this thread.. bakasyon ako for Christmas and flight via Singapore.. so wondering kung OEC is required..

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