Hi, I'm helping my mother's cousin apply for a tourist visa. Kaka-hire lang sa kanya less than 1 month, but I think makakakuha sya ng certificate of employment. Will her lenght of employment greatly affect her chance of getting a visa grant? Purpose of travel is to attend my husband's 40th birthday this June 2020.
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How long did it take you to get a job?
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NAATI - CCL exam - additional 5 points for 189/190 visa
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Engineers Australia Skills Assessment
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Joined: Mar 04, 2020
Meron po bang na-refuse ng tourist visa na kaka-employ lang?
Posts: 2,179Member, Moderator
Joined: Jul 04, 2012
how long does he plan to stay in au?
18 Mar '16 IELTS Results
06 Apr '16 EA CDR Skills Assessment submitted
26 Apr '16 EA Skills Assessment Positive Outcome
06 May '16 PTE-A Exam
07 May '16 PTE- A Results & Submitted EOI
11 May '16 Got ITA
02 Jun '16 Lodge Visa
04 Jul '16 Direct Grant
Believe you can... and you're halfway there.... - Roosevelt