Hi everyone!
Hope all is well. I am currently waiting for my Civil Engineer skill assessment results from EA . If positive po yung results, my partner and I plan to apply for visa 189 and 190 (Victoria) at 85 points. In line with this, I would like to kindly ask po sana below questions about the visa 190 procedure for victoria and the financial requirement of 35K AUD for an offshore applicant (with 1 dependent) applying for subclass visa 190 nomination for victoria/ melbourne.
(1) if required po yung funds, how long po kaya dapat na nakasit sa bank yung 30KAUD na funds para di magmukhang suspicious sa bank statement?
(2) ideally dapat po ba naka ready na yung bank statement / certificate bago po ako magsubmit ng EOI?
(3) if selected and maka receive po ako ng invite to apply for Victorian visa nomination, then I will have to submit all the relevant documents and proof to support thr EOI points I claimed AND the proof of financial capacity ng 35KAUD (1 dependent applicant)?
(4) Once nominated, I will receive an invite to apply for the visa and will need to supply all the proof (fiancee relationship proof, police, nbi clearances etc) within 60 days?
Thank you in advance for your time and we grealty appreciate if you can share your thoughts and experience about this.
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Posts: 51Member
Joined: Mar 27, 2020
Do I need to submit separate EOI to state's website apart from skill select EOI? Or only selected states? TIA. Stay safe.
Posts: 27Member
Joined: Jul 19, 2014
Yes you need to submit a state sponsorship application to each state that you want to apply for.
Posts: 27Member
Joined: Jul 19, 2014
Joined: Mar 10, 2016
With a score of 85 points, it is almost impossible to get an invite for 189 visa. You can try but be open that likely visa prospects would be 190 or 491. With regards to state sponsorship too early to focus on Victoria. I would suggest to wait until your skills assessment outcome is ready and about to lodge your EOI as no one is ever certain which state is open to sponsor until upon eoi lodgement. You can only choose amongst those states/territories that are open.
Though funds maintenance needs to be declared for 190 state nomination application, the cases we’ve handled so far have not been asked for evidences but we always tell our clients to always be ready to present them if asked. It isn’t necessary to have this ready upon EOI lodgement but more during the state nomination application submission.
Once nomination application is approved, you will automatically receive invite to apply for a visa from skillselect. You then have 60 days to respond. This is where you will have to supply all documents to support your points claim on EOI plus other documents for your dependents. Note that fiancée doesn’t mean you meet the de facto relationship category. You must be living for at least 12 months and provide evidence of co-dependence emotionally, financially, socially, that the relationship is continuing and genuine. Being a fiancée doesn’t mean these are all met. Police and health clearances are time sensitive documents so it doesn’t have to be submitted until case officer asks for them.
Good luck
Posts: 27Member
Joined: Jul 19, 2014
I'd say its still better if the applicant will be prudent/conservative and ensure they have or can produce all documents/requirements ahead of time to avoid last minute surprises when asked by the relevant authority.
Joined: Mar 10, 2016
Of course. I’m an agent and that’s what I’d advise clients....but when it comes to police and health clearances, timing is essential. They are valid for 12 months. If these are done too early, you risk having to do all these again. Given the situation now, best to wait instructions from case officer on these two documents.
FYI, by the time one is on visa application stage already, almost all documents should be ready by then. the immigration website provides a list of what to present along with the visa application. If one follows the checklist, there’s no reason for last minute surprises if the case officer asks for documents later on in the application. And if one is asked for further documents, a deadline will be given. It’s not the end of the world if you fail to meet the deadline but one should respond prior to the due date and cite a valid reason why deadline cannot be met.
I’m coming from a professional capacity, but of course if one thinks they know better, then just do what’s appropriate. I can only guide applicants in as much as what I think is best coming from someone working in the industry. Not here to debate, I’m here to guide.
All the best
Joined: Jan 24, 2020
Hello, mag oopen na daw po ang vic. Ask ko lang about sa nomination, if engineer po ang inyong nominated occupation, kailangan paba apply ng nomination sa knila like submit any requirements victoria state, or enough na po yung na i submit yung eoi nyo na naka tick ang 190 at nakatick sa victoria? Thank you po.
233512 - Mechanical Engineer ( Age: 33 - 25 points | Education: Adamson University - 15points | Work Experience 8 years - 15points | English - 20points | Partner English - 5 | CCL - 0) Total: 80 points
19/01/2020 - Interest in Australia Stuff
24/01/2020 - Start gathering of information
30/01/2020 - Start reviewing PTE Academic and booked exam on March 30, 2020
29/02/2020 - PTE MOCK TEST A ( L:64 | R: 53 | S: 59| W: 68 ) sad!
14/03/2020 - PTE MOCK TEST B ( L: 71| R: 60 | S: 75| W: 74) a little bit happy but I am aiming for superior.
30/03/2020 - PTE EXAM (L: 71 | R: 86 | S: 85 | W: 74 ) SAD! ALMOST THERE! Going for superior! 18 April
03/07/2020- EA request additional requirements and asked to rewrite the 3 episodes and SS
22/07/2020- Submitted the rewritten 3 episodes, SS, and other requirements. 3episodes and SS coached by @MumVeng
23/07/2020- EA asked additional requirements again, latest payslip.
24/07/2020 - Submitted the latest payslips and received POSITIVE OUTCOME after an hour.
12/08/2020 - PTE PARTNER - PASS!
14/09/2020 - PTE EXAM - (L: 81 | R: 86 | S: 88 | W: 90) SUPERIOR !! SO HAPPY! THANK GOD!!
06/10/2022- 189 ITA
20/10/2022- Visa 189 Lodged
09/02/2023 - VISA GRANT - Direct grant!!! THANK YOU LORD !!!!!
Lord whispered "My precious child, I love you and will never leave you
Never, ever, during your trials and testings.
When you saw only one set of footprints,
It was then that I carried you."
Posts: 27Member
Joined: Jul 19, 2014
no worries at all
we're defo not here to debate for sure 
Posts: 27Member
Joined: Jul 19, 2014
Nomination process for Engineers - VIC SS is different, I believe EOI first, choose VIC then once you are selected by them, you will get an invitation to submit application for SS. If SS is successful, you will then get an invite to lodge visa with DHA.
At this stage, it's still a waiting game which occupations VIC can sponsor or if there are changes to their rules. Their website says, they were only given a limited number of visa nomination places until the Federal budget in October. Let's hope for the best!
Joined: Jan 24, 2020
Thank you for this information
233512 - Mechanical Engineer ( Age: 33 - 25 points | Education: Adamson University - 15points | Work Experience 8 years - 15points | English - 20points | Partner English - 5 | CCL - 0) Total: 80 points
19/01/2020 - Interest in Australia Stuff
24/01/2020 - Start gathering of information
30/01/2020 - Start reviewing PTE Academic and booked exam on March 30, 2020
29/02/2020 - PTE MOCK TEST A ( L:64 | R: 53 | S: 59| W: 68 ) sad!
14/03/2020 - PTE MOCK TEST B ( L: 71| R: 60 | S: 75| W: 74) a little bit happy but I am aiming for superior.
30/03/2020 - PTE EXAM (L: 71 | R: 86 | S: 85 | W: 74 ) SAD! ALMOST THERE! Going for superior! 18 April
03/07/2020- EA request additional requirements and asked to rewrite the 3 episodes and SS
22/07/2020- Submitted the rewritten 3 episodes, SS, and other requirements. 3episodes and SS coached by @MumVeng
23/07/2020- EA asked additional requirements again, latest payslip.
24/07/2020 - Submitted the latest payslips and received POSITIVE OUTCOME after an hour.
12/08/2020 - PTE PARTNER - PASS!
14/09/2020 - PTE EXAM - (L: 81 | R: 86 | S: 88 | W: 90) SUPERIOR !! SO HAPPY! THANK GOD!!
06/10/2022- 189 ITA
20/10/2022- Visa 189 Lodged
09/02/2023 - VISA GRANT - Direct grant!!! THANK YOU LORD !!!!!
Lord whispered "My precious child, I love you and will never leave you
Never, ever, during your trials and testings.
When you saw only one set of footprints,
It was then that I carried you."
Posts: 49Member
Joined: Jul 22, 2018
@RheaMARN1171933 How much po dapat proof of funds kapag 190 VIC - single applicant? Thank you.
189 - 80 pts. | 190 - 85 pts. | 491 - 95 pts. (PTE - superior; single)
May 2020 - EOI 190
8 Sep 2020 - Registration of interest (Live in Melbourne)
9 Sep 2020 - Invitation to apply for nomination received from Live in Melbourne - 190 visa
14 Sep 2020 - Nomination application submitted
18 Sep 2020 - ITA received
29 Sep 2020 - Visa lodged
30 Sep 2020 - Request for health exam
14 Oct 2020 - Health exam done
16 Oct 2020 - DIRECT GRANT
Joined: Mar 10, 2016
It should state on their website. All the best.
Joined: Jul 16, 2019
So after po magsubmit ng 190 EOI sa skill select, need pa magsubmit ng state sponsorship application to each state? Paano po un?
Joined: Sep 26, 2020
Open for application na po ba ang subclass 189/190/191?
Posts: 461Member
Joined: Feb 23, 2018
the EOI has never closed sa pagkakaalam ko po, the minimum point for EOI is still 65 points, it is the points that has been increasing for the ITA to be received, thus the invites was made trickier, currently, unless you are not on 95 points, based from my reading, it is hard to receive an ITA for your EOI, unless nasa critical sector po like RN, etc.
kapit lang, keep the faith, lapit na release budget this October, sana nga po ay bumaha na ang invites this coming week
all the best po!
God Bless!
263111 Computer Network and Systems Engineer | Age: 25 | Education: 15 | English: 20 | Experience: 10 | PY: 5 | CCL: 5
Total: 80/85 on Visa 189/190 Respectively
23.02.2018 | Signed up for the forum. Started gathering Documents and Reviewing for IELTS.
01.06.2018 | Company offered to provide 482 Visa, GRABBED IT!!!
15.10.2018 | 482 Visa Lodged
13.11.2018 | 482 Visa Granted
POEA Processing = took me almost a year to get all documents in place.
07.06.2019 | Finally the BM!!!
01.10.2019 | Started to review for PTE, aiming for Superior scores!
23.02.2020 | PTE Mock Test = L=68/R=64/S=90/W=77
29.02.2020 | PTE Test = L=90/R=85/S=90/W=85 - Got SUPERIOR on the 1st try! Thank You Lord!!!
01.03.2020 | EOI Lodged for Visa 189/190 NSW (80/85)
10.06.2020 | EOI Updated due to PY point addition (80/85)
24.09.2020 | EOI Updated due to Passing NAATI CCL (85/90)
10.05.2021 | Pursuing 186 (DE) - Thank God for His Favour!!!
11.03.2022 | Visa 186 (DE) - Nomination and Visa Application Lodged... Now the waiting begins...
14.01.2023 | Visa 186 (DE) - GRANTED!!! THANK YOU LORD!!!
Citizenship Timeline:
22.01.2024 | Citizenship Application made online. THANK YOU LORD!!!
27.02.2024 | Citizenship Interview & Test Appointment letter Received
11.04.2024 | Citizenship Test passed @ 100%!!! THANK YOU LORD!!!
11.07.2024 | Citizenship Approval!!! THANK YOU LORD!!!
29.10.2024 | Citizenship Invite Received
30.11.2024 | FINALLY A CITIZEN!!!! THANK YOU LORD INDEED!!! that was quite a journey!!!