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AUD Bank Draft for POLO Contract verification payment


I am a direct hire from the Philippines by a well-known tech/software company globally. And yeah, i need to go through the OEC gymnastics like all direct hires. :(

To keep it short, POLO Australia is requiring me to ship documents for contract verification (one of OEC requirements) from the Philippines to their office via snail mail including a bank draft in Australian dollars amounting to 90 AUD for payment

They already removed direct bank transfer as an option for payment.

I am having a hard time finding a bank here in PH that can provide a foreign bank draft in Australian dollars. Do you have recommendations where I can apply for one?

Do you have some general recommendations about the POLO contract verification? I am all ears especially from the experts here.

Thank you very much for reading! Looking forward for your recommendations and tips. :)



  • caclulatorcaclulator Posts: 1Member
    Joined: Feb 07, 2020

    Hi @pseudopenggy - were you able to get your OEC? What did you end up doing for the bank draft? I'm also stuck at that step :(

  • gemma0125gemma0125 Posts: 9Member
    Joined: Jul 07, 2020

    Hi guys. Anyone else processing their OEC?

  • KaidanKaidan Posts: 119Member
    Joined: Jun 02, 2020

    @gemma0125 said:
    Hi guys. Anyone else processing their OEC?

    Poea is a pain bureaucracy. Just exit PH as a visitor going to SG (or any visa free country for PH) and fly to your work destination from there (except if it's the middle east). Hopefully this is doable during this time.

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