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  • jaceejoefjaceejoef Mandaluyong
    Posts: 333Member
    Joined: Apr 23, 2015

    use vinegar and newspaper

    Software Engineer (261313) | Age = 30 | Education = 15 | Experience = 5 | English = 10

    28.10.2016 PTE-A Exam
    02.11.2016 PTE-A Results (L69 R66 S50 W77) - saklap!
    19.11.2016 PTE-A Mock Exam A (L72 R56 S62 W69)
    26.11.2016 PTE-A Mock Exam B (L69 R61 S56 W69)
    28.11.2016 PTE-A Exam
    28.11.2016 PTE-A Results (L64 R73 S64 W68)
    10.02.2017 ACS Skill Assessment - Stage 1 - submit documents
    13.02.2017 ACS Skill Assessment - Stage 2
    14.02.2017 ACS Skill Assessment - Stage 3
    22.02.2017 ACS Skill Assessment - Submit updated document
    22.02.2017 ACS Skill Assessment - Stage 4
    03.03.2017 ACS Skill Assessment - Stage 5 - positive result!
    29.05.2017 PTE-A Exam
    29.05.2017 PTE-A Results (L78 R76 S66 W78)
    01.06.2017 Lodge EOI - Visa 189 (60 points)
    01.06.2017 Lodge EOI - Visa 190 (65 points) - NSW
    28.06.2017 Lodge EOI - Visa 190 (65 points) - Victoria
    19.07.2017 Lodge EOI - Visa 489 (70 points) - SA - on hold. high points required
    27.07.2017 Lodge EOI - Visa 489 (70 points) - Tasmania
    30.08.2017 Lodge Tasmania Application
    12.10.2017 Tasmania Application - CO assigned
    17.10.2017 Tasmania Application - denied

    Web Developer (261212) | Age = 30 | Education = 15 | Experience = 10 | English = 10 | State = 10

    20.02.2018 ACS Skill Assessment Submit
    12.04.2018 ACS Skill Assessment Result - positive!
    01.08.2018 additional 5 points for experience
    15.08.2018 Lodge EOI - Visa 489 (75 points)
    16.08.2018 Lodge SA Application
    31.10.2018 ITA received for SA visa 489
    27.11.2018 Medical Exam at St. Luke's BGC
    29.11.2018 Medical Clearance Provided - no action required
    18.12.2018 Lodge Visa
    26.09.2019 Visa Grant
    28.02.2020 Big Move
    08.03.2022 Visa Extension (additional 3 years)

    Medical Exam at St. Luke's Experience

    BM Experience to Adelaide

    Visa 489 Subsequent Entrant (De Facto)
    27.12.2021 Lodge Visa
    30.04.2022 CO contact - Medical Exam Requested
    23.06.2022 Medical Exam at St. Luke's BGC
    22.07.2022 Medical Exam at St. Luke's BGC (rescheduled)
    10.08.2022 Medical further information required - doctor's note
    02.09.2022 Submitted additional requirement
    22.01.2023 Medical further information required - x-ray
    27.01.2023 Submitted additional requirement
    12.12.2023 Visa Grant
    11.01.2025 Big Move

    Visa 887 Skilled Regional visa (PR)
    20.01.2025 Lodge Visa

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