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wayjiiwayjii Posts: 1Member

Hello everyone, I’m new here. I just happen to find this forum and I really need help. First of all, I’m a girl. I have a ‘girlfriend’, who is already a citizen, in Australia. We’ve been in a long distance relationship for 6 years now and she’s been planning to apply me a partner visa. But we’re not really sure which one is applicable for us. Is there anyone here who can help us ?


  • Captain_ACaptain_A AUSTRALIA
    Posts: 2,179Member, Moderator
    Joined: Jul 04, 2012

    @wayjii as far as i know
    same-sex partner visa is OK.
    As long as you provide documents to prove your claim, like propertie & bank account together, if you have lived under the same roof is more helpful, docs to prove travels together, reliable persons to confirm your relationship.
    this is on top of the other basic requirements. australia is an open country, i know a lot who had this same case and got grants.

    all the best sa inyo

    18 Mar '16 IELTS Results
    06 Apr '16 EA CDR Skills Assessment submitted
    26 Apr '16 EA Skills Assessment Positive Outcome
    06 May '16 PTE-A Exam
    07 May '16 PTE- A Results & Submitted EOI
    11 May '16 Got ITA
    02 Jun '16 Lodge Visa
    04 Jul '16 Direct Grant

    Believe you can... and you're halfway there.... - Roosevelt

  • franz_07franz_07 Posts: 2Member
    Joined: Aug 13, 2020

    Hi guys! Badly need your suggestions!!!
    My question is what is the best first thing to do, should we register our relationship? Or wait till the borders open for tourist then apply for an onshore visa? We've been LDR for almost 2 yrs and we really miss each other that's why we're searching for what is the best and fastest way to do to be together. Our target year probably this year or next year.

    Thanks for your suggestions/comments, I hope we can all be together with our loved ones this year 2021 🤞🏻💖🥰

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