Hi, I'm about to travel to Australia and if its okay to bring my Upwork and work it there, even when I have No Work condition in my tourist visa? Salamat!
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Posts: 1,771Administrator
Joined: Dec 29, 2010
i think better show you have stable job. or if you can highlight the company you've been working as up work. much better.
2010-06 : Lurker at philippines.com.au (previously the #1 Pinoy Australian Forum)
2010-06 : Started researching on Visa 175 - Target 120pts
2011-08 : Started prev employer document gathering for ACS skill assessment (0/4)
2010-12 : Philippines.com.au went offline and created www.pinoyau.info
2011-03 : 1st child born - AU dream halted
2014-03 : ACS document - 1/5 emp ref completed
2015-01: Promoted at work - AU dream halted
2015-11: ACS document - 1/6 emp ref completed
2016-09: 2nd child born - AU dream halted
2018-09: ACS document - 6/8 emp ref completed
2018-09: Revised all employment references and affidavit from scratch
2019-03: Completed Revised 8/8 emp ref
2019-03: PTE Exam - L59,R75,S62,W64 (no preparation)
2019-07: Favorable Skills Assessment result for Software Eng
2019-11: PTE Exam - L70,R68,S79,W68 (competent only)
2020-02: PTE Exam - L79,R79,S86,W76 (grr lack 3pts on Writing)
2020-03: PTE Exam - L85,R75,S87,W86 (Mar 4 - grr nag increase L, S and W but bumaba 4pts si R!!!!!)
2020-03 PTE Exam - L81 R79 S90 W81 (Mar 9 - Salamat Lord!!!!)
Posts: 766Member
Joined: Mar 13, 2018
I am assuming that you already have an approved tourist visa and the primary purpose of coming here is a holiday (I mean you will be spending more time on holiday than actually working). If so, I don't think it will be a problem, especially if you are paid through your PH bank accounts (so you are not receiving the money via Australian bank/institutions or cash).
The No Work condition applies if let's say you're thinking of doing cash-on-hand or part-time/casual jobs for Australian businesses, whether online work or in-person.
232111 (Architect) | Current points: 65
30-01-2018 Applied for student visa (MArchSci), offshore application.
11-08-2020 Applied for student visa (PhD), onshore application.
28-02-2022 Submitted application to AACA for skills assessment (OQA Stage 1)
27-05-2022 Received skills assessment outcome (Suitable/Positive)
Next steps: PTE exam
Joined: Sep 12, 2018
If you don't mind me asking, have you already gotten your TV 600? And what date did you lodge yours ba? I lodged mine last February 15, and still on receive.
Some people already got theirs in 4 days, 22 days, etc. So I'm getting worried na....
Joined: May 26, 2020
Those people also lodged their application po ba this 2022 lng?
Joined: Sep 12, 2018
Yes, this 2022.