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Pinoy Veterinarians info

orchydorchyd Mernda VIC AustraliaPosts: 21Member
Hi all! I am seeking an employer for my sister who is a veterinarian in a clinic in cebu, she is not yet registered in AU but I wanted here to work here as vet tech, is it possible? Any ideas of the pathways, the board looks so tough and it is in two parts, thats why I want her to experience working first as a tech before taking the exams so that she has an idea of the assessment and make sure she has an exposure to equine... please any info is helpful. God bless us all. I am a reg. Nurse in Vic btw.


  • igotthisigotthis Posts: 1Member
    Joined: Apr 28, 2023

    hi, was your sister able to move there with you? i’m a vet as well and am interested in working as a vet staff either in nz or au. thank you!

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