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Civil Engineer / Structural Engineer prior to going in Australia



  • JacrayeJacraye Sydney
    Posts: 276Member
    Joined: Mar 06, 2018

    @MLBS said:

    @tofu888 said:

    @Jacraye said:

    @tofu888 said:
    hi guys! i'm planning sana na makakuha muna ng CE job before going sa Aus. is there someone here po ba na successfully nakaland ng job before going sa Aus? or is it advisable na lumipad po muna sa Aus? here are my details po so far:

    1. holds a skilled recognised graduate visa (subclass 476)
    2. has Engineers Australia accreditation
    3. experienced in road design and modelling in accordance with AustRoads, VicRoads, TfNSW, & Australian Standards

    hope you could help me po find some leads :) either in Melbourne or Sydney po.

    thank you!!

    Based on the details you have provided you can start job hunting while off-shore. Just note in your cover letter that your are still off-shore but arriving on a specific date. Some companies do online interviews but some prefer face-to-face.

    > I'm not sure what you meant by 'has Engineer's Australia accreditation'. Do you mean you are a chartered engineer? If so, it is an advantage as some companies would require you to be a chartered engineer.

    ohh, alright po. thanks for this info. ah what I mean po is I was awarded as Professional Engineer by EA. but i'm planning po mag pamember anytime soon.

    Professional Engineer sa Skills assessment tama ba? Di yan nagmamatter sa work place, ang skills assessment is for visa purposes lang talaga. In demand CE dito, partner ko may offers na sa Sydney at Perth before pa nya natapos Master's deg nya (no exp pa to a). All the best!

    @MLBS is correct. Skills migration assessment is just for the visa. You can still land a job with your current status. However, like I have mentioned earlier, some companies will require you to be a chartered engineer to join them.

    ANZSCO 233213 Quantity Surveyor

  • tofu888tofu888 Australia
    Posts: 81Member
    Joined: Mar 15, 2023

    @Jacraye said:

    @MLBS said:

    @tofu888 said:

    @Jacraye said:

    @tofu888 said:
    hi guys! i'm planning sana na makakuha muna ng CE job before going sa Aus. is there someone here po ba na successfully nakaland ng job before going sa Aus? or is it advisable na lumipad po muna sa Aus? here are my details po so far:

    1. holds a skilled recognised graduate visa (subclass 476)
    2. has Engineers Australia accreditation
    3. experienced in road design and modelling in accordance with AustRoads, VicRoads, TfNSW, & Australian Standards

    hope you could help me po find some leads :) either in Melbourne or Sydney po.

    thank you!!

    Based on the details you have provided you can start job hunting while off-shore. Just note in your cover letter that your are still off-shore but arriving on a specific date. Some companies do online interviews but some prefer face-to-face.

    > I'm not sure what you meant by 'has Engineer's Australia accreditation'. Do you mean you are a chartered engineer? If so, it is an advantage as some companies would require you to be a chartered engineer.

    ohh, alright po. thanks for this info. ah what I mean po is I was awarded as Professional Engineer by EA. but i'm planning po mag pamember anytime soon.

    Professional Engineer sa Skills assessment tama ba? Di yan nagmamatter sa work place, ang skills assessment is for visa purposes lang talaga. In demand CE dito, partner ko may offers na sa Sydney at Perth before pa nya natapos Master's deg nya (no exp pa to a). All the best!

    @MLBS is correct. Skills migration assessment is just for the visa. You can still land a job with your current status. However, like I have mentioned earlier, some companies will require you to be a chartered engineer to join them.

    hi! yes, got it po! currently seeking na ko ng job. do we have a discussion group po on how to be a chartered engineer here sa pinoyau? would like to also see the path for this rin sana. thank you! :)


    jan 8: lodged visa 476

    earning experience in ph

    2023 (Visa 189/190)
    jan 16: started planning 189/190 visa application
    feb 01: EA assessment - started collecting required docs
    feb 24: PTE - enrolled in APEUni
    mar 01: PTE - booked my exam
    apr 04: PTE - exam at Trident Makati
    apr 05: PTE - got my result (superior)
    apr 11: EA assessment - CDR+RSEA+fast track submitted
    may 12: EA assessment - assessment in progress
    may 16: EA assessment - awaiting information for requested docs
    may 19: EA assessment - provided requested docs
    may 22: EA assessment result - positive outcome
    jun 09: visa 476 - re-medical & form80 requested; form 80 submitted
    jun 20: visa 476 - re-medical
    jun 26: visa 476 - further assessment status
    jul 02: EOI - submitted 190(VIC) - 80+5 pts
    jul 18: visa 476 - grant!!
    sep 04: accepted a job offer!!
    oct 10: BM to Sydney for vacay
    oct 20: flight to Melbourne
    oct 21: ROI - submitted (VIC)
    oct 23: first day of work
    nov 29: EOI: pre-invite received!
    dec 01: accepted pre-invite
    dec 14: received my ITA (VIC)
    dec 17: lodge visa 190

    ~ you'll never know how far you can go, unless you take risk of going far ~

  • JacrayeJacraye Sydney
    Posts: 276Member
    Joined: Mar 06, 2018

    @DreamerG said:

    @MLBS said:

    @tofu888 said:

    @Jacraye said:

    @tofu888 said:
    hi guys! i'm planning sana na makakuha muna ng CE job before going sa Aus. is there someone here po ba na successfully nakaland ng job before going sa Aus? or is it advisable na lumipad po muna sa Aus? here are my details po so far:

    1. holds a skilled recognised graduate visa (subclass 476)
    2. has Engineers Australia accreditation
    3. experienced in road design and modelling in accordance with AustRoads, VicRoads, TfNSW, & Australian Standards

    hope you could help me po find some leads :) either in Melbourne or Sydney po.

    thank you!!

    Based on the details you have provided you can start job hunting while off-shore. Just note in your cover letter that your are still off-shore but arriving on a specific date. Some companies do online interviews but some prefer face-to-face.

    > I'm not sure what you meant by 'has Engineer's Australia accreditation'. Do you mean you are a chartered engineer? If so, it is an advantage as some companies would require you to be a chartered engineer.

    ohh, alright po. thanks for this info. ah what I mean po is I was awarded as Professional Engineer by EA. but i'm planning po mag pamember anytime soon.

    Professional Engineer sa Skills assessment tama ba? Di yan nagmamatter sa work place, ang skills assessment is for visa purposes lang talaga. In demand CE dito, partner ko may offers na sa Sydney at Perth before pa nya natapos Master's deg nya (no exp pa to a). All the best!

    Sir, your partner is more of sa structural design po noh? Thanks

    Anyone can share po regardimg naman po pag site people or under Site Engineers. Thanks

    @tofu888 said:

    @Jacraye said:

    @MLBS said:

    @tofu888 said:

    @Jacraye said:

    @tofu888 said:
    hi guys! i'm planning sana na makakuha muna ng CE job before going sa Aus. is there someone here po ba na successfully nakaland ng job before going sa Aus? or is it advisable na lumipad po muna sa Aus? here are my details po so far:

    1. holds a skilled recognised graduate visa (subclass 476)
    2. has Engineers Australia accreditation
    3. experienced in road design and modelling in accordance with AustRoads, VicRoads, TfNSW, & Australian Standards

    hope you could help me po find some leads :) either in Melbourne or Sydney po.

    thank you!!

    Based on the details you have provided you can start job hunting while off-shore. Just note in your cover letter that your are still off-shore but arriving on a specific date. Some companies do online interviews but some prefer face-to-face.

    > I'm not sure what you meant by 'has Engineer's Australia accreditation'. Do you mean you are a chartered engineer? If so, it is an advantage as some companies would require you to be a chartered engineer.

    ohh, alright po. thanks for this info. ah what I mean po is I was awarded as Professional Engineer by EA. but i'm planning po mag pamember anytime soon.

    Professional Engineer sa Skills assessment tama ba? Di yan nagmamatter sa work place, ang skills assessment is for visa purposes lang talaga. In demand CE dito, partner ko may offers na sa Sydney at Perth before pa nya natapos Master's deg nya (no exp pa to a). All the best!

    @MLBS is correct. Skills migration assessment is just for the visa. You can still land a job with your current status. However, like I have mentioned earlier, some companies will require you to be a chartered engineer to join them.

    hi! yes, got it po! currently seeking na ko ng job. do we have a discussion group po on how to be a chartered engineer here sa pinoyau? would like to also see the path for this rin sana. thank you! :)

    Not aware of any existing discussion and no idea on the process of getting chartered as well. The process should be some what similar with my organisation (AIQS) or I might be wrong.


    ANZSCO 233213 Quantity Surveyor

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