Maam Sir! pwede po ba yung meron ka experience sa welding 10 years pero wala po certificate? ayus lang po ba yun?
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How long did it take you to get a job?
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NAATI - CCL exam - additional 5 points for 189/190 visa
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Joined: Jun 03, 2024
Welder po work ko, pero yung natapos ko ay di po related sa welding, 322313 po yung skill code ko po. salamat sa sasagot.
Posts: 461Member
Joined: Feb 23, 2018
good morning sir!
just checking po, ano po yung tanong nyo dito? are you trying to be sponsored for a visa po here in Australia?
just googling po on a quick note of what you need, eto po nakita ko:
hopefully it points you to whatever else you need to do po
all the best!
God Bless!
263111 Computer Network and Systems Engineer | Age: 25 | Education: 15 | English: 20 | Experience: 10 | PY: 5 | CCL: 5
Total: 80/85 on Visa 189/190 Respectively
23.02.2018 | Signed up for the forum. Started gathering Documents and Reviewing for IELTS.
01.06.2018 | Company offered to provide 482 Visa, GRABBED IT!!!
15.10.2018 | 482 Visa Lodged
13.11.2018 | 482 Visa Granted
POEA Processing = took me almost a year to get all documents in place.
07.06.2019 | Finally the BM!!!
01.10.2019 | Started to review for PTE, aiming for Superior scores!
23.02.2020 | PTE Mock Test = L=68/R=64/S=90/W=77
29.02.2020 | PTE Test = L=90/R=85/S=90/W=85 - Got SUPERIOR on the 1st try! Thank You Lord!!!
01.03.2020 | EOI Lodged for Visa 189/190 NSW (80/85)
10.06.2020 | EOI Updated due to PY point addition (80/85)
24.09.2020 | EOI Updated due to Passing NAATI CCL (85/90)
10.05.2021 | Pursuing 186 (DE) - Thank God for His Favour!!!
11.03.2022 | Visa 186 (DE) - Nomination and Visa Application Lodged... Now the waiting begins...
14.01.2023 | Visa 186 (DE) - GRANTED!!! THANK YOU LORD!!!
Citizenship Timeline:
22.01.2024 | Citizenship Application made online. THANK YOU LORD!!!
27.02.2024 | Citizenship Interview & Test Appointment letter Received
11.04.2024 | Citizenship Test passed @ 100%!!! THANK YOU LORD!!!
11.07.2024 | Citizenship Approval!!! THANK YOU LORD!!!
29.10.2024 | Citizenship Invite Received
30.11.2024 | FINALLY A CITIZEN!!!! THANK YOU LORD INDEED!!! that was quite a journey!!!