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Wanted: House/Accommodation for a couple in eastern sydney

ellarosenavarroellarosenavarro AucklandPosts: 6Member
edited March 2013 in Family Matters
Help! Naghahanap po ng accommodation for me and my partner in Sydney. We are moving from New Zealand and will be working close to the eastern suburb of Randwick. Baka meron po kayong marecommend. Thank you!


  • li_i_renli_i_ren North Ryde
    Posts: 434Member
    Joined: Oct 13, 2012
    edited March 2013
    Fellow kiwinoys;) are u going to be working in prince of wales or sydney childrens?;) best bet is to look at thats where we found our flat when we moved from auckland to here:) i live in coogee.. Walk lng to work mga 20 mins;)


    Would recommend a place with a bus stop.. Streets near the hospital are barker street, high street, avoca street, belmore street where the shops are found may mga apt din there.

    Im assumming na sa hospital kayo work but if not here are the other suburbs near randwick.

    Rent here is pricey even compared to auckland.. Sa auckland 350pw 2 bedroom dito 400 per week is 1 bedroom pa and very rare. Expect around 500-600 rent in the eastern suburbs. Big shock after 3 plus yrs in auckland and i thought 380 per week was pricey;)

    If you cant find a place in randwick itself kasi medyo costly suburb sya. Try coogee, maroubra, clovelly or bondi junction. But only coogee is walking distance.. The rest bus na talaga.

    If you plan to have a car right away... Eastgarden is a good short drive lng.

    Would love to help but training my daughter to sleep in her room na kasi.. P.m. Me if you have questions;)
  • ellarosenavarroellarosenavarro Auckland
    Posts: 6Member
    Joined: Feb 19, 2013
    Thank you so much! yes, I will be working sa Prince of Wales. Medyo expected na it will be a bit expensive but hopefully I will be fortunate enough na makahanap din ng reasonable one. I will check the sites and will look at the surrounding suburbs din. Thank you so much!
  • li_i_renli_i_ren North Ryde
    Posts: 434Member
    Joined: Oct 13, 2012
    Ok happy house hunting;) you know ur name sounds familiar;) hehhehe! Daming pinoy in prince of wales compared to us sa sydney kids.. Katabi lng tayo:) enjoy the move:)
  • ellarosenavarroellarosenavarro Auckland
    Posts: 6Member
    Joined: Feb 19, 2013
    Talaga? Hehe i am at auckland din at the moment. Its nice to hear na marami palang pinoy jan. thank you! Sana Everything will be smooth sailing
  • Amy101Amy101 Sydney
    Posts: 3Member
    Joined: Apr 25, 2013
    Hi all,
    Just in case po may kilala pa kayo na granny flat for rent or room for rent, grateful if you are able to inform me. Isa lang po ako, malapit na akong mag start sa UNSW. Taga Auckland din po.. Thanks.
  • li_i_renli_i_ren North Ryde
    Posts: 434Member
    Joined: Oct 13, 2012
    Saan campus ka sa kensington or sa randwick campus?:) daming flats sa kensington campus actually we walk to there lang but from our place mga good 30 min. Walk then uphill or downhill ung barker street! Hahahaha.. Almost 50 degrees incline!! Hahahaha! Sa randwick campus.. From us u need to take the bus kasi almost near the race course na sya from randwick junction or the hospital area:) try looking for flats sa kensington, randwick or east garden pero mas bus ride na from east garden:)
  • Amy101Amy101 Sydney
    Posts: 3Member
    Joined: Apr 25, 2013
    Sige po. Salamat na marami sa tips
  • li_i_renli_i_ren North Ryde
    Posts: 434Member
    Joined: Oct 13, 2012
    Hey guys nasa randwick na kayo?;)
  • li_i_renli_i_ren North Ryde
    Posts: 434Member
    Joined: Oct 13, 2012
    My dilemma is this.. We are moving out west cause my ate has offered to let us live with her. But my job is still here sa sydney kids. I am hoping to flat with someone na pinoy. I will not be in the flat most of the time kasi i work 3 x a week and the remaining days i will stay with my ate and family:)

    Anyone want to flat or have an extra room i can use so i dont have to commute? I am giving up my flat by june. My flat is 2 bedroom at 500 a week and it isnt worth keeping if its just me and i wont be staying most of the week.

    If we flat i can move some of my stuff if needed or i will store them to my ate's place.

    Hope someone can help;)
  • ellarosenavarroellarosenavarro Auckland
    Posts: 6Member
    Joined: Feb 19, 2013
    Hi! We're at auckland and will be arriving in 2 weeks. Naghahanap pa rin kami ng place. Is your place close to Prince of Wales?
  • li_i_renli_i_ren North Ryde
    Posts: 434Member
    Joined: Oct 13, 2012
    edited June 2013
    Mga 15-20 mins walk.. But i cant find the listing for it. Im leaving the flat next week na:)i found a place to flat na. daming listings. Try sa i saw some boarding houses if ur keen:)
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