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Asylum Seekers - By Boat, No Visa

MetaformMetaform MelbournePosts: 506Member
edited July 2013 in Other Migration Topic
They finally did it. Australia no longer accepts people who arrive by boat. As this very strong public message done in different languages suggests, from 19 July 2013 people who travel to Australia by boat with no visa, will not be settled here and will be sent instead to Papua New Guinea, whether they be classified as refugees or not.

Those who do not agree to this new policy think that it is harsh to close the country's doors to those who need help. Asylum seekers do not commit any offence by coming here. Under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights every person has the right to seek protection in any territory they can reach. Some think this is another form of racism, and that these people can contribute to Australia's society, culture and economy if only they are allowed to.

Then there are those who applaud the current PM for having the gall to do what should have been done years ago. They fear that Australia will become the next South Africa, where the crime and unemployment rates are sky-high because of their slack immigration laws. Some who spent time, money, and effort in obtaining a visa think they are being cheated by the boat people. I've read comments from people saying if these asylum seekers really are running away from war or The Talibans, why do they have to dangerously travel halfway around the world, ignoring heaps of countries along the way, endangering the lives of women and children, in order to get here? Something else is pulling these people to come here, and someone is getting rich in doing so.

Personally, I think the reason it took this long before this was implemented was no one wanted to look like the bad guy. Although my wife and I had to undergo language, health, and police clearances before Australia thought "yea you're alright, mate!", I'm not gonna go there. Land, much like food, is meant for everyone and we are all morally obligated to help one another. I think everyone should be given a fair chance, and that everyone who came in here in whatever medium should adapt and learn to live with each other.

Let's hear your thoughts.

CO and Visa Grant: 9 Oct 2012
The beginning of the rest of our lives: January 4, 2013


  • JCsantosJCsantos Sydney
    Posts: 1,416Member, Moderator
    Joined: Jan 11, 2011
    For me im all good for refugee .. problem is some people don't go through the legal way that is what I hate .. its like an un-fair for people ( like here in the forum ) who wait and wait for year for their application .... I believe in PM's stance that most of them are economic migrants and they should dealt with diplomacy , Yes it is taxpayers money who feed them ... I don't believe that is humanitarian to turn back the boats that is why I don't support Coalition

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  • li_i_renli_i_ren North Ryde
    Posts: 434Member
    Joined: Oct 13, 2012
    I am happy that there will be no more boat people!! I hope this works out and be put into effect. True there are successful refugees but it is also true most of them will turn to crime and are sometimes part of criminal organizations.

    History of cabrmatta... In the 80s-90s the viet/ cambodians refugees/migrants were the drug kingpins. Good thing other legal migrants came and cleaned up that suburb!

    In the refugee camps they are in right now... There are reported number of rapes and other crimes. Do we really want people like this in australia??

    When we have to go through very difficult and expensive skills assessment to get here? Why should we support this cue jumpers? They will become a burden to the system and people like us who pay taxes will be made to suffer.
  • MetaformMetaform Melbourne
    Posts: 506Member
    Joined: Jul 15, 2011
    As much as it is inhuman to close the doors to boat people, we can just trust logic in terms of deciding whether or not to allow them in. In simplest terms, Refugees = not allowed to work = crime. Not knowing what their background is since they did not undergo police checks = crime. Who knows, some of them might be hardened criminals whence they came, escaping from their home country.

    CO and Visa Grant: 9 Oct 2012
    The beginning of the rest of our lives: January 4, 2013

  • TasBurrfootTasBurrfoot Osaka
    Posts: 4,336Member
    Joined: Feb 24, 2011
    This policy makes sense for me...

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    17 Aug 2012 - IELTS Results (L: 8.5 R: 8.5 W: 7.0 S: 7.5 OBS: 8.0)
    24 Aug 2012 - CPAA Submitted (docs mailed same day via SG EMS)
    25 Sep 2012 - Received +Skills Assessment from CPAA
    25 Sep 2012 - Lodged EOI Application with 70pts
    30 Sep 2012 - Invited by DIAC to apply for 189 Visa
    01 Oct 2012 - Submitted 189 Visa Application
    20 Oct 2012 - Medical Examinations
    23 Oct 2012 - CO Assigned; Team 7 - SA
    05 Nov 2012 - Submitted SG PCC and NBI Clearance
    06 Nov 2012 - Visa Granted (IED: 23/10/2013)
    03 Apr 2013 - Flight to MEL
    03 Jun 2013 - started work
    12 Jun 2013 - wife started work
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  • li_i_renli_i_ren North Ryde
    Posts: 434Member
    Joined: Oct 13, 2012
    edited July 2013
    Add it: hopefully mas mabuti eto kasi yung boat people actually pay the smugglers to get into the boat. Then sa boat..bring ur own food, no toilets, no sleeping quarters then they are told to swim for ANY australian island once malapit na sa christmas island kasi yung old policy says..if a refuge touches any australian soil then they will be processed and given almost p.r. Status FREE! Whereas tayo new migrants... We go through the needle to get here plus very expensive fees to get residency.

    Then no english means no job= benefits which may not be enough which leads to crime.

    Sometimes the smugglers set their boats in fire para the australian navy rescues then which also mean instant processing kasi navy boat is considered australian soil. Hence, hopefully this policy will stop people from paying smugglers kasi wala ng incentive to come to au for them.

    They are returned to their country.. They are being sent to papau new guinea.

    Side note: some aboriginal tribe in papau new guinea are still cannibals.. Kaya siguro png happily accepted the refugees in exchange for roads and school paid by the oz govt.

  • icebreaker1928icebreaker1928 Sydney
    Posts: 1,455Member
    Joined: Apr 26, 2011

    Side note: some aboriginal tribe in papau new guinea are still cannibals.. Kaya siguro png happily accepted the refugees in exchange for roads and school paid by the oz govt.

    kala ko mga asylum seekers papakain hehehe
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