05/10/2012 Application received - processing comenced
05/10/2012 Application fee received
11/10/2012 Application being process further
Person 1
15/10/2012 Health requirements finalized
Person 2
15/10/2012 Health requirements finalized
Person 3
05/10/2012 Health requirements outstanding
18/10/2012 Further medicals results reffered
Person 4
11/10/2012 Health requirements finalized
most recent by MidnightPanda12
most recent by fmp_921
most recent by nash
most recent by Novamullerss
most recent by CantThinkAnyUserName
HELP! - Accountant but not a CPA and below 85% average
most recent by Ella
191 PR Visa Application Question
most recent by DD20
most recent by jameineure
The longest running Pinoy-Australian Forum site in the history. We are connecting Pinoys "in" and "to" Australia since 2010! If you want to join in, click one of these buttons!
Posts: 204Member
Joined: Aug 06, 2012
21.jan.12 - Vetasses Positive
16.may.12 - 4th Ielts - IDP - L8.5 R7.5 W7.0 S7.5 = 7.5 - Pass
15.june.12 - State sponsorship Approved
19.june.12 - 176 Visa applied at DIAC
20.july.2012 - Singapore & Phi. Police checks finalised
17.aug.2012 - VISA GRANT
29.sept.2012 - Landed Sydney Alone! @_@ #$%&*#$^$
Posts: 528Member
Joined: Jan 08, 2011
Nominated Occupation: Software Engineer (261313) - Husband is the primary applicant.
10.21.2012 - Arrived in Melbourne. This is the day that the Lord has made.
03.26.2012 - Visa granted. God is good, all the time! All the time, God is good!
03.23.2012 - PCC submitted and medicals finalized
03.02.2012 - Application being processed further / CO assigned
06.26.2011 - Lodged Visa 175 application
Posts: 204Member
Joined: Aug 06, 2012
21.jan.12 - Vetasses Positive
16.may.12 - 4th Ielts - IDP - L8.5 R7.5 W7.0 S7.5 = 7.5 - Pass
15.june.12 - State sponsorship Approved
19.june.12 - 176 Visa applied at DIAC
20.july.2012 - Singapore & Phi. Police checks finalised
17.aug.2012 - VISA GRANT
29.sept.2012 - Landed Sydney Alone! @_@ #$%&*#$^$
Posts: 25Member
Joined: Jan 04, 2013
Nominated Skill: Surveyor (ANZSCO 232212)
26 June 2012 - Lodged GSM Application Electronically
11 December 2012 - Visa Grant (IED: 11 September 2013)
God is good. All the time!