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First day in Australia... what to do?

crisreyescrisreyes BraddonPosts: 27De-activated
edited February 2014 in General

For those coming to Australia for initial entry purposes then I guess it would be a vacation/holiday mode until such time you've decided when to make the BIG MOVE.

What to do?
- buy a sim card you will need your passport and visa
- for a little over 100 dollars you could rent a limousine travelling 20kms from airport to your
- for roughly 15 dollars or up each person commute using train and buses from airport to
your destination
- settle in your accommodation and begin your day right tom

For those who are doing the BIG MOVE

What to do?
- buy a sim card you will need your passport and visa
- start familiarising yourself with the train line, you'll see that in a board near the ticketing
- settle in your accommodation
- next day, walk around the area where you will live temporarily, get to know where the bus
stop and counter check that using, where you will do your day to day
groceries and pharmacy
- familiarise yourself in using either google maps or to know how to commute
from your accommodation to your destination and vice-versa
- visit MEDICARE office and enrol to get a medicare card, bring your family with you,
passport, visa and immi letter
- open a bank account, you may use the address of your tempo accommodation then change
it later
- visit Centrelink as to what they could offer, that includes finding work or potential trainings
- visit your local community college to know if they are offering any free trainings or
workshops for new migrants
- visit RTA to check requirements to get either a driver's license or a ID card
- if you have a current condition or if you have kids, visit a GP near your area
- if your tempo accommodation is for few weeks then you need to start viewing properties or
inspect them for long term rental
- check what facilities or amenities your local council provides let say swimming pool,
basketball court, tennis court, etc.
- visit your council for any job ads they usually post in their bulletin, grab whatever
immediate tempo work they require as you need to build referees and local experience,
better to earn something than wait for an opportunity you feel right for you
- spend your first two weeks visiting nearby places which won't cost you much aside from fare
- like in Sydney, if you will come as a family make use of the Family Pass every Sunday and
ride the ferry from one place to another
- do some volunteering instead of doing nothing You might be
surprised with the type of work they require and the opportunity waiting for the right person
- research about Skillmax
- research about Skilled Migrant Mentoring Program
- if still no work then try those newspaper or magazine delivery or even register in tempting
agencies for date entry job

Take into consideration:

1. There are heaps of free trainings and workshops meant for skilled migrants.
2. There are groups who will help you understand how to adapt and engage yourself.
3. There are not for profit organisations who offer nearly the same opportunities with private sector.
4. There are heaps of job openings in universities and councils.
5. If you don't have private health insurance make sure that you already register yourself or family in Medicare.
6. 000 is the emergency number here in Australia but be wary on what you will report. Make sure that you can easily say what kind of help is needed.
7. Don't be scared to call for an ambulance if you feel bad and you need to be hospitalised. Although, some state covers one free ambulatory assistance per year but if you have private health insurance it will be unlimited.
8. Make full use of your private health insurance. Enjoy remedial message, dental check-up, eye check-up even physio annually. These services are called extras so make use of them, these are being renewed annually.
9. You can ask Coles, Woolworths even Aldi and some other shops if they have openings if you are looking for tempo jobs. Again, better to have something than waiting for nothing.


  • amcasperforuamcasperforu Rio de Janeiro
    Posts: 722Member
    Joined: Sep 14, 2012
    Thanks for the post... it will help us alot. just in time for our BIG move :)

    Systems Administrator (ANZSCO: 262113)
    October 12, 2012: IELTS Speaking (BC)
    October 13, 2012: IETLS L/R/W
    October 26, 2012: IELTS Results L/R: 7.0 S/W: 6.5 OB: 7.0
    October 27, 2012: Lodged ACS
    October 30, 2012: Stage 4 ACS
    Novemb 29, 2012: ACS Suitable (Thank you Lord!)
    Novemb 30, 2012: EOI and Submit NSW application via Fedex
    February19, 2013: NSW Ack letter received (Salamat po Lord!)
    April 29, 2013 : NSW SS approval
    April 30, 2013 : Invitation from SkillSelect
    May 03, 2013 : Lodge application including my mom
    May 06, 2013 : Medicals done at St. Lukes
    May 15, 2013 : My med result was uploaded
    May 23, 2013 : NBI clearance uploaded
    May 28, 2013 : Nanay's medical uploaded
    Thank you Lord sa maraming blessings. Kayo na po ang bahala sa next journey namin ni nanay.
    Jun 14, 2013 - Oct 08, 2013: Almost saying Goodbye AU... But keep pushing and believing...
    Oct 09, 3013 : Golden email from CO
    Oct 30, 2013 : VISA GRANT with nanay :)
    In HIS name nothing is impossible! Thank you Lord!

  • KatiaMezaKatiaMeza USA, FL
    Posts: 1Member
    Joined: Dec 12, 2016
    Yeah...i would also like to give an advice to those people who use to travel in other cities or states. It is highly important to hire a Limo Service to make your travel more efficient. You should hire a fast car for your journey and there should be experienced driver to drive your car. Hiring a limo service can make any event special, but hiring a one of a kind limousine makes it even more special. Limo Service is indeed beneficial on your part for instance that you intend to travel from or to the airport or you will have your business transaction which need you to transport.
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