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Looking for Room to Rent in Sydney

warfreakedwarfreaked SydneyPosts: 15Member
Hello kabayans, we are a couple looking for a room to rent or house for rent in Sydney area. Kung meron po kayo spare rooms to rent khit temporary stay (around 2 to 4 weeks). We will be arriving last week of April.

Please PM me should you have any available room or recommendations.
Thank you


  • docachmeddocachmed Sydney
    Posts: 21Member
    Joined: May 03, 2014
    We have a room. :)

    Occupation: TIG (Tig-trapo, tig tuklog. tig-tubos...etc... etc...)
    2 years thinking
    1 year prepping
    Lodge August, Grant December, Fly April
    lets just say i passed the ielts

    -i wanna visit the Philippines soon-

  • johnvangiejohnvangie Melbourne
    Posts: 686Member
    Joined: Oct 14, 2013
    @docachmed Hello! San po kayo sa Sydney? PM ko po kayo... ThanksQ

    Nominated Occupation : Production or Plant Engineer 233513
    12/15/13 - IELTS IDP [ L : 9.0 I R :8.0 I S : 7.5 I W : 6.5 ]
    01/17/14 - Submit CDR to Engineers Australia.
    02/15/14 - IELTS IDP [ L : 9.0 I R :9.0 I S : 7.5 I W : 7.0 ]
    05/29/14 - EA positive assessment as Production or Plant Engineer 233513
    06/02/14 - EA Letter Received. Lodge EOI 65points.
    06/09/14 - Received invitation to lodge Visa 189.
    06/12/14 - Lodge Visa 189. Upload Docs/Form 80.
    07/14/14 - Medicals @ SLEC Global.
    07/15/14 - Upload NBI. (NBI Valid until July 4, 2015).
    07/17/14 - CO Allocated. Team 7 GSM Adelaide ( CO : LM )
    07/21/14 - VISA GRANT! Thank You Lord! IED : 07/04/15
    02/06/15 - Hubby in Melbourne (Jobhunting)
    03/27/15 - Me and my son in Melbourne
    04/07/15 - Hubby 1st day of job
    08/24/15 - My 1st day in BP, Thank you Lord God Jesus!

    Enjoying the wonderful life in Oz, abundant blessings indeed :-)

  • warfreakedwarfreaked Sydney
    Posts: 15Member
    Joined: Apr 03, 2013
    @docachmed Thanks...nakalipat na sa Blacktown.
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