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Meaning of GST in a contractual job salary

kremitzkremitz North RydePosts: 1,074Member
What is the meaning of GST if for instance sinabi ng employer na $100 per hour (exc GST)? ang alam ko lang na gst eh yung goods and services tax.

Occupation: Software Engineer (ANZSCO Code 261313)
Main applicant : Husband
April 29, 2013 : ACS Skills assessment
July 22, 2013 : ACS assessment result
January 3, 2014: IELTS Result (Take 1 L-8,W,R,S-7)
January 12, 2013: Lodged EOI (65points)
January 13, 2013: Invited to apply for visa 189
February 9, 2014: Lodged visa
March 1, 2014: Medicals at NHSI
March 6: email from CO requesting form 80 and hubby's NBI Clearance
March 25, 2014: visa grant. Thank you lord
June 8,2014: Hubby arrived in Sydney
Sept 11,2014: Hubby's first day of work. Thank you Lord!
Feb 7, 2015 : Baby and I arrived in Sydney
April 13, 2015: My first day of work :)


  • CarlDesacolaCarlDesacola Brisbane
    Posts: 3Member
    Joined: Apr 20, 2014
    Kamusta po!

    If your employer says they will pay you "$100 per hour (ex GST)", it means that they will pay you $100 plus 10% for GST = $110. The idea is that you are supposed to forward the extra $10 collected to the Australian Taxation Office.

    But if your employer says they will pay you $100 per hour (inc GST), it means they will pay you $100. However, you will need to deduct 1/11th as the GST component. In other words, you are actually only getting paid $90.91 plus 10% (ie. $9.01) GST.

    I hope that makes sense! :)

    Kind regards,

    Carl Desacola
    Lawyer | Registered Migration Agent (MARN 1461661)

    Winthrop Mason | Business Lawyers & Migration Agents
    M 0410 492 751 P (07) 3303 0843 F (07) 3303 0842
    E [email protected]

    Winthrop Mason Pty Ltd ACN 168 185 886
    AMP Place, Level 19, 10 Eagle Street, Brisbane, Qld 4000

    Individual liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

    Carl Desacola
    Director | Registered Migration Agent (MARN 1461661)

    Winthrop Mason | Business Lawyers & Migration Agents
    P (07) 3303 0843 F (07) 3303 0842
    E [email protected]

    Winthrop Mason Pty Ltd ACN 168 185 886
    AMP Place, Level 19, 10 Eagle Street, Brisbane, Qld 4000

    Individual liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

  • kremitzkremitz North Ryde
    Posts: 1,074Member
    Joined: Apr 17, 2013
    Ok ty po

    Occupation: Software Engineer (ANZSCO Code 261313)
    Main applicant : Husband
    April 29, 2013 : ACS Skills assessment
    July 22, 2013 : ACS assessment result
    January 3, 2014: IELTS Result (Take 1 L-8,W,R,S-7)
    January 12, 2013: Lodged EOI (65points)
    January 13, 2013: Invited to apply for visa 189
    February 9, 2014: Lodged visa
    March 1, 2014: Medicals at NHSI
    March 6: email from CO requesting form 80 and hubby's NBI Clearance
    March 25, 2014: visa grant. Thank you lord
    June 8,2014: Hubby arrived in Sydney
    Sept 11,2014: Hubby's first day of work. Thank you Lord!
    Feb 7, 2015 : Baby and I arrived in Sydney
    April 13, 2015: My first day of work :)

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