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191 PR Visa Application Question
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HELP! - Accountant but not a CPA and below 85% average
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The longest running Pinoy-Australian Forum site in the history. We are connecting Pinoys "in" and "to" Australia since 2010! If you want to join in, click one of these buttons!
Posts: 1,877Member
Joined: Mar 08, 2014
Posts: 13Member
Joined: May 09, 2014
Posts: 13Member
Joined: May 09, 2014
Posts: 462Member
Joined: Jul 29, 2013
Nominated Occupation: ANZSCO 261112 - Systems Analyst

Jul 01, 2013 - ACS Skill Assessment
Jul 19, 2013 - IELTS Results (L:8, R:8.5, W:7, S:8)
Oct 02, 2013 - ACS result received (suitable)
Oct 02, 2013 - submitted EOI for Visa 189 (65 pts).
Oct 05, 2013 - submitted Victoria SS for Visa 190 (70 pts, for backup)
Oct 18, 2013 - Victoria SS approved/Received invitation to apply for Visa 190 from Skillselect.
Oct 20, 2013 - lodged VISA 190 application.
Nov 20, 2013 - CO allocated | GSM Adelaide Team 6
Nov 27, 2013 - VISA GRANT! Thank you Lord! IED: NOV 12, 2014
Jul 03, 2014 - arrival in Melbourne
Aug 07, 2014 - started work
Jul 24, 2015 - left 1st job
Jul 27, 2015 - joined 2nd job
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Posts: 118Member
Joined: Apr 07, 2014
May 2008 - Sent documents for assessment ACS
Nov.2008 - Pass the ACS Assessment
Feb.2009 - Submission & payment of Independent Skilled Visa 175 application.
2010 whole year Waiting.....................
April 2011 - updated some information including passport address,marital status and others.
2012 whole year Waiting ....................
June 2013 - Update information of documents previously submitted including an additional dependent (my son).
Feb. 29, 2014 - Assigned CO to assess my application.
March 13, 2014 - Medicals and Police clearance done.
- Form 80 completion.
- Update additional information.
June 10 - Request by CO to sign health undertaking.
June 18 - VISA GRANTED !!! Thank you very much Lord!!!
July 1, 2014 - PDOS attendance. (Commission of Filipino's (Overseas) - Compulsory for migrants before leaving.
June 15 - arrival of LTO certification w/ DFA authentication.
Aug.2014 - Propose arrival in Sydney.
Oct.2014 - Propose dependents (wife and son) arrival.
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Posts: 118Member
Joined: Apr 07, 2014
May 2008 - Sent documents for assessment ACS
Nov.2008 - Pass the ACS Assessment
Feb.2009 - Submission & payment of Independent Skilled Visa 175 application.
2010 whole year Waiting.....................
April 2011 - updated some information including passport address,marital status and others.
2012 whole year Waiting ....................
June 2013 - Update information of documents previously submitted including an additional dependent (my son).
Feb. 29, 2014 - Assigned CO to assess my application.
March 13, 2014 - Medicals and Police clearance done.
- Form 80 completion.
- Update additional information.
June 10 - Request by CO to sign health undertaking.
June 18 - VISA GRANTED !!! Thank you very much Lord!!!
July 1, 2014 - PDOS attendance. (Commission of Filipino's (Overseas) - Compulsory for migrants before leaving.
June 15 - arrival of LTO certification w/ DFA authentication.
Aug.2014 - Propose arrival in Sydney.
Oct.2014 - Propose dependents (wife and son) arrival.
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Posts: 118Member
Joined: Apr 07, 2014
May 2008 - Sent documents for assessment ACS
Nov.2008 - Pass the ACS Assessment
Feb.2009 - Submission & payment of Independent Skilled Visa 175 application.
2010 whole year Waiting.....................
April 2011 - updated some information including passport address,marital status and others.
2012 whole year Waiting ....................
June 2013 - Update information of documents previously submitted including an additional dependent (my son).
Feb. 29, 2014 - Assigned CO to assess my application.
March 13, 2014 - Medicals and Police clearance done.
- Form 80 completion.
- Update additional information.
June 10 - Request by CO to sign health undertaking.
June 18 - VISA GRANTED !!! Thank you very much Lord!!!
July 1, 2014 - PDOS attendance. (Commission of Filipino's (Overseas) - Compulsory for migrants before leaving.
June 15 - arrival of LTO certification w/ DFA authentication.
Aug.2014 - Propose arrival in Sydney.
Oct.2014 - Propose dependents (wife and son) arrival.
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Posts: 118Member
Joined: Apr 07, 2014
May 2008 - Sent documents for assessment ACS
Nov.2008 - Pass the ACS Assessment
Feb.2009 - Submission & payment of Independent Skilled Visa 175 application.
2010 whole year Waiting.....................
April 2011 - updated some information including passport address,marital status and others.
2012 whole year Waiting ....................
June 2013 - Update information of documents previously submitted including an additional dependent (my son).
Feb. 29, 2014 - Assigned CO to assess my application.
March 13, 2014 - Medicals and Police clearance done.
- Form 80 completion.
- Update additional information.
June 10 - Request by CO to sign health undertaking.
June 18 - VISA GRANTED !!! Thank you very much Lord!!!
July 1, 2014 - PDOS attendance. (Commission of Filipino's (Overseas) - Compulsory for migrants before leaving.
June 15 - arrival of LTO certification w/ DFA authentication.
Aug.2014 - Propose arrival in Sydney.
Oct.2014 - Propose dependents (wife and son) arrival.
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Posts: 118Member
Joined: Apr 07, 2014
May 2008 - Sent documents for assessment ACS
Nov.2008 - Pass the ACS Assessment
Feb.2009 - Submission & payment of Independent Skilled Visa 175 application.
2010 whole year Waiting.....................
April 2011 - updated some information including passport address,marital status and others.
2012 whole year Waiting ....................
June 2013 - Update information of documents previously submitted including an additional dependent (my son).
Feb. 29, 2014 - Assigned CO to assess my application.
March 13, 2014 - Medicals and Police clearance done.
- Form 80 completion.
- Update additional information.
June 10 - Request by CO to sign health undertaking.
June 18 - VISA GRANTED !!! Thank you very much Lord!!!
July 1, 2014 - PDOS attendance. (Commission of Filipino's (Overseas) - Compulsory for migrants before leaving.
June 15 - arrival of LTO certification w/ DFA authentication.
Aug.2014 - Propose arrival in Sydney.
Oct.2014 - Propose dependents (wife and son) arrival.
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Posts: 1,877Member
Joined: Mar 08, 2014
Posts: 118Member
Joined: Apr 07, 2014
May 2008 - Sent documents for assessment ACS
Nov.2008 - Pass the ACS Assessment
Feb.2009 - Submission & payment of Independent Skilled Visa 175 application.
2010 whole year Waiting.....................
April 2011 - updated some information including passport address,marital status and others.
2012 whole year Waiting ....................
June 2013 - Update information of documents previously submitted including an additional dependent (my son).
Feb. 29, 2014 - Assigned CO to assess my application.
March 13, 2014 - Medicals and Police clearance done.
- Form 80 completion.
- Update additional information.
June 10 - Request by CO to sign health undertaking.
June 18 - VISA GRANTED !!! Thank you very much Lord!!!
July 1, 2014 - PDOS attendance. (Commission of Filipino's (Overseas) - Compulsory for migrants before leaving.
June 15 - arrival of LTO certification w/ DFA authentication.
Aug.2014 - Propose arrival in Sydney.
Oct.2014 - Propose dependents (wife and son) arrival.
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Posts: 1,877Member
Joined: Mar 08, 2014
Posts: 13Member
Joined: May 09, 2014
God bless you
Still waiting for our visa..
Timeline: (not specific since my husband is the principal)
Oct 2008 - submitted to agent in Melbourne (paper based)
March 2014 - contacted by CO (medical requiremnts & Police clearance submitted)
June 2014 - CO said thru email "this case shall be finalised 11June2014
Posts: 67Member
Joined: Mar 03, 2014
Wow sir, mukhang malapit lapit na yan sa inyo. Goodluck and Godbless po. Ako din from IT Industry din. Unix Application Support ang skill na pina-assess ko. Mukhang mababa ang demand sa IT skill ah. Puro pala IT ang may backlog.
Posts: 159Member
Joined: Apr 15, 2013
Wife is the primary visa applicant.
Primary School Teacher : 241211
Dec 2007 - IELTS (Academic Module)
May 2008 - Positive Skills Assessment
22 June 2008 - Lodged Visa 175
04 Jan 2013 - CO allocated (Team 6), CO requested for PCC,
Medicals, copies of new passport
16 Jan 2013 - Medicals done at St. Luke's
22 Jan 2013 - Medical referred to MOC
19 Feb 2013 - Assigned to new CO (Team 7)
13 Apr 2013 - Medical finalised
15 Apr 2013 - Visa Grant!!!
07 Dec 2013 - IELTS Academic L=8.5 R=8.5 W=8.0 S=8.5 OBS=8.5
28 Dec 2013 - Flight to Melbourne
“Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right. Forget about those who don’t. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would most likely be worth it.”
― Harvey MacKay
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Posts: 118Member
Joined: Apr 07, 2014
May 2008 - Sent documents for assessment ACS
Nov.2008 - Pass the ACS Assessment
Feb.2009 - Submission & payment of Independent Skilled Visa 175 application.
2010 whole year Waiting.....................
April 2011 - updated some information including passport address,marital status and others.
2012 whole year Waiting ....................
June 2013 - Update information of documents previously submitted including an additional dependent (my son).
Feb. 29, 2014 - Assigned CO to assess my application.
March 13, 2014 - Medicals and Police clearance done.
- Form 80 completion.
- Update additional information.
June 10 - Request by CO to sign health undertaking.
June 18 - VISA GRANTED !!! Thank you very much Lord!!!
July 1, 2014 - PDOS attendance. (Commission of Filipino's (Overseas) - Compulsory for migrants before leaving.
June 15 - arrival of LTO certification w/ DFA authentication.
Aug.2014 - Propose arrival in Sydney.
Oct.2014 - Propose dependents (wife and son) arrival.
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Posts: 118Member
Joined: Apr 07, 2014
May 2008 - Sent documents for assessment ACS
Nov.2008 - Pass the ACS Assessment
Feb.2009 - Submission & payment of Independent Skilled Visa 175 application.
2010 whole year Waiting.....................
April 2011 - updated some information including passport address,marital status and others.
2012 whole year Waiting ....................
June 2013 - Update information of documents previously submitted including an additional dependent (my son).
Feb. 29, 2014 - Assigned CO to assess my application.
March 13, 2014 - Medicals and Police clearance done.
- Form 80 completion.
- Update additional information.
June 10 - Request by CO to sign health undertaking.
June 18 - VISA GRANTED !!! Thank you very much Lord!!!
July 1, 2014 - PDOS attendance. (Commission of Filipino's (Overseas) - Compulsory for migrants before leaving.
June 15 - arrival of LTO certification w/ DFA authentication.
Aug.2014 - Propose arrival in Sydney.
Oct.2014 - Propose dependents (wife and son) arrival.
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Posts: 118Member
Joined: Apr 07, 2014
May 2008 - Sent documents for assessment ACS
Nov.2008 - Pass the ACS Assessment
Feb.2009 - Submission & payment of Independent Skilled Visa 175 application.
2010 whole year Waiting.....................
April 2011 - updated some information including passport address,marital status and others.
2012 whole year Waiting ....................
June 2013 - Update information of documents previously submitted including an additional dependent (my son).
Feb. 29, 2014 - Assigned CO to assess my application.
March 13, 2014 - Medicals and Police clearance done.
- Form 80 completion.
- Update additional information.
June 10 - Request by CO to sign health undertaking.
June 18 - VISA GRANTED !!! Thank you very much Lord!!!
July 1, 2014 - PDOS attendance. (Commission of Filipino's (Overseas) - Compulsory for migrants before leaving.
June 15 - arrival of LTO certification w/ DFA authentication.
Aug.2014 - Propose arrival in Sydney.
Oct.2014 - Propose dependents (wife and son) arrival.
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Posts: 118Member
Joined: Apr 07, 2014
May 2008 - Sent documents for assessment ACS
Nov.2008 - Pass the ACS Assessment
Feb.2009 - Submission & payment of Independent Skilled Visa 175 application.
2010 whole year Waiting.....................
April 2011 - updated some information including passport address,marital status and others.
2012 whole year Waiting ....................
June 2013 - Update information of documents previously submitted including an additional dependent (my son).
Feb. 29, 2014 - Assigned CO to assess my application.
March 13, 2014 - Medicals and Police clearance done.
- Form 80 completion.
- Update additional information.
June 10 - Request by CO to sign health undertaking.
June 18 - VISA GRANTED !!! Thank you very much Lord!!!
July 1, 2014 - PDOS attendance. (Commission of Filipino's (Overseas) - Compulsory for migrants before leaving.
June 15 - arrival of LTO certification w/ DFA authentication.
Aug.2014 - Propose arrival in Sydney.
Oct.2014 - Propose dependents (wife and son) arrival.
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Posts: 159Member
Joined: Apr 15, 2013
Wife is the primary visa applicant.
Primary School Teacher : 241211
Dec 2007 - IELTS (Academic Module)
May 2008 - Positive Skills Assessment
22 June 2008 - Lodged Visa 175
04 Jan 2013 - CO allocated (Team 6), CO requested for PCC,
Medicals, copies of new passport
16 Jan 2013 - Medicals done at St. Luke's
22 Jan 2013 - Medical referred to MOC
19 Feb 2013 - Assigned to new CO (Team 7)
13 Apr 2013 - Medical finalised
15 Apr 2013 - Visa Grant!!!
07 Dec 2013 - IELTS Academic L=8.5 R=8.5 W=8.0 S=8.5 OBS=8.5
28 Dec 2013 - Flight to Melbourne
“Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right. Forget about those who don’t. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would most likely be worth it.”
― Harvey MacKay
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Posts: 1,877Member
Joined: Mar 08, 2014
Posts: 1,877Member
Joined: Mar 08, 2014
Posts: 118Member
Joined: Apr 07, 2014
May 2008 - Sent documents for assessment ACS
Nov.2008 - Pass the ACS Assessment
Feb.2009 - Submission & payment of Independent Skilled Visa 175 application.
2010 whole year Waiting.....................
April 2011 - updated some information including passport address,marital status and others.
2012 whole year Waiting ....................
June 2013 - Update information of documents previously submitted including an additional dependent (my son).
Feb. 29, 2014 - Assigned CO to assess my application.
March 13, 2014 - Medicals and Police clearance done.
- Form 80 completion.
- Update additional information.
June 10 - Request by CO to sign health undertaking.
June 18 - VISA GRANTED !!! Thank you very much Lord!!!
July 1, 2014 - PDOS attendance. (Commission of Filipino's (Overseas) - Compulsory for migrants before leaving.
June 15 - arrival of LTO certification w/ DFA authentication.
Aug.2014 - Propose arrival in Sydney.
Oct.2014 - Propose dependents (wife and son) arrival.
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Posts: 118Member
Joined: Apr 07, 2014
May 2008 - Sent documents for assessment ACS
Nov.2008 - Pass the ACS Assessment
Feb.2009 - Submission & payment of Independent Skilled Visa 175 application.
2010 whole year Waiting.....................
April 2011 - updated some information including passport address,marital status and others.
2012 whole year Waiting ....................
June 2013 - Update information of documents previously submitted including an additional dependent (my son).
Feb. 29, 2014 - Assigned CO to assess my application.
March 13, 2014 - Medicals and Police clearance done.
- Form 80 completion.
- Update additional information.
June 10 - Request by CO to sign health undertaking.
June 18 - VISA GRANTED !!! Thank you very much Lord!!!
July 1, 2014 - PDOS attendance. (Commission of Filipino's (Overseas) - Compulsory for migrants before leaving.
June 15 - arrival of LTO certification w/ DFA authentication.
Aug.2014 - Propose arrival in Sydney.
Oct.2014 - Propose dependents (wife and son) arrival.
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Posts: 5,037Member, De-activated
Joined: Feb 23, 2012
Sep 24, 2011 - IELTS (L-8 R-8 W-8 S-7.5 : OBS-8)
Jan 04, 2012 - EA application submitted | Feb 23, 2012 - EA assessment result (IE ANZSCO 233511)
May 8, 2012 - Lodged GSM 175 online application | June 4, 2012 - CO Allocated
June 22, 2012 - Medicals Finalized | Aug 30, 2012 - PCCs Completed (PH, UAE, USA)
Sep 3, 2012 - Visa Granted (IED Jun 11, 2013) Thank You Lord!
Oct 16-28, 2012 - Initial Entry Completed - Sydney
July 28, 2013 - Final move to Perth
Sep 9, 2013 - Started work with the same company i worked for in UAE/USA
Oct 28, 2013 - Moved to another company..
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Posts: 132Member
Joined: Jun 28, 2012
Apr 29, 2014 - Lodged 60 Pts.
May 26, 2014 - Invited to lodge Visa189
June 03, 2014 - Lodged Visa189 / Uploaded docs
June 10, 2014 - NBI
June 17, 2014 - Medical @SLBGC
June 24, 2014 - CO Allocation Team 06 GSM Adelaide (CO - Laura Watters)
June 27, 2014 - Uploaded requested additional docs, Form 80, IELTS result
July 08, 2014 - Visa Grant (IED - June 10, 2015) (CO-Lisa Caratozzolo)
Nov 15, 2014 - Me and my wife arrived in Melbourne
Kung may tiyaga may nilaga
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Posts: 588Member
Joined: Nov 27, 2013
Kung makikitira ka, maybe mauna ka muna? Hanap ka na ng bahay at trabaho bago mo pasunurin misis at anak mo? Para maka menos ka sa gastos
20110812 - Submitted Vetassess docs
Job hunt begins
20120403 - Received positive assessment
20130622 - Took the IELTS exam (L:8, R:7, W:8.5, S:8.5, OBS:8)
20131008 - Created and submitted EOI account
20131216 - Started gathering documents for ACT SS
20140113 - Submitted ACT SS nomination
20140227 - assigned a case officer
20140317 - Finally got my ACT sponsorship!
20140319 - Invited to apply (visa 190)
20140325 - Lodged visa 190
20140718 - Direct visa grant. IED: July 17, 2015
20150203 - Landed in ACT
201510 - Started working at Woolies
20161031 - landed a job in my field as a junior
20180508 - landed a job in my field
Thank you God! You are truly amazing!
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Posts: 1,877Member
Joined: Mar 08, 2014
Posts: 13Member
Joined: May 09, 2014
Btw, our CO emailed us today, after kami mag inquire sa kaniya at magtanong ng update regarding my medical. Kasi yung sa mag-aama ko, approved for migration na silang 3 eh, yung akin lang na-delay because of the scar also like @aolsystems. Sabi ng CO namin, my medical is with MOC (dept. of health yata sa kanila) and still reviewing my medical. But I was cleared by st. Luke's when I submitted my medical this 03June. So, hopefully, like @aolsystems, my medical will be cleared also by God's grace.
Again, congrats @aolsystems! We're all happy for you!
Posts: 159Member
Joined: Apr 15, 2013
Wife is the primary visa applicant.
Primary School Teacher : 241211
Dec 2007 - IELTS (Academic Module)
May 2008 - Positive Skills Assessment
22 June 2008 - Lodged Visa 175
04 Jan 2013 - CO allocated (Team 6), CO requested for PCC,
Medicals, copies of new passport
16 Jan 2013 - Medicals done at St. Luke's
22 Jan 2013 - Medical referred to MOC
19 Feb 2013 - Assigned to new CO (Team 7)
13 Apr 2013 - Medical finalised
15 Apr 2013 - Visa Grant!!!
07 Dec 2013 - IELTS Academic L=8.5 R=8.5 W=8.0 S=8.5 OBS=8.5
28 Dec 2013 - Flight to Melbourne
“Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right. Forget about those who don’t. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would most likely be worth it.”
― Harvey MacKay
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