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Advice on how to move to Canberra

My family and I recently moved to Sydney under visa 190 (state sponsored). Since our visa was sponsored by Canberra, we want to fulfill the obligation and move down there the soonest possible time. The current challenge we have is getting a job there, as most companies require Australian Citizen status. I would like to ask for help or advise on any possible job or opening you may know of. Thanks and God bless!

Skill applied: ICT Sales Professional

October 2012 - Lodged application for VETASSESS (thru an agent)
January 2013 - VETASSESS Approved
February 2013 - Lodged for State Sponsorship (Canberra)
February 2013 - State Sponsorship Approved
March 2013 - VISA Lodging
April 24, 2013 - VISA 190 Granted
February 2014 - Arrived in Sydney

Joshua 23:14
"You know with all your heart that not one of all the good promises of the Lord your God has failed. Every promise has been fulfilled."


  • akinoakino Sydney
    Posts: 84Member
    Joined: Jan 03, 2011
    Hi strbxangel, au citizenship is required only if you are applying for govt offices jobs..but there are still heaps of private /commercial offices here na pede kang mag apply even on a PR status..
    as per your time line you arrived in Australia last Feb, have you tried living in canberra?..just pm me if you need more info about living in canberra.cheers!
  • strbxangelstrbxangel Brisbane
    Posts: 6Member
    Joined: Jun 19, 2014
    Thanks Akino. Will do that.

    Skill applied: ICT Sales Professional

    October 2012 - Lodged application for VETASSESS (thru an agent)
    January 2013 - VETASSESS Approved
    February 2013 - Lodged for State Sponsorship (Canberra)
    February 2013 - State Sponsorship Approved
    March 2013 - VISA Lodging
    April 24, 2013 - VISA 190 Granted
    February 2014 - Arrived in Sydney

    Joshua 23:14
    "You know with all your heart that not one of all the good promises of the Lord your God has failed. Every promise has been fulfilled."

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