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20 Forum Posting Etiquette - Admin

1. Search the other posts to see if your topic is already covered.

2. Use a meaningful title for your thread.

3. Do not use the forum to promote your product, service or business unless related to Australia/Philippine migration and/or approved by the admin (this is to avoid spam and unnecessary topic threads - We have the right to remove your post if we deem it un-useful - Ask Admin to be sure)

4. Be civil. Personal differences should be handled through email or IM and not through posts displayed to everyone.

5. Stay on topic.

6. Ignore spammers, respond to them personally and not through the board, or report them to Admin.

7. In order to be understood by most people, use correct spelling, grammar and avoid slang unless you know the word or phrase will be understood by other members.

8. Do not double post (post the same message twice in one thread) or cross post (place the same message across several forums).

9. Act in a give and take manner; help others as often as or more than you ask for help.

10. Do not use all caps or SHOUT in your posts. In addition, one exclamation point is enough.

11. When replying to a post, do not quote more from the previous post than you have to.

12. Do not post new problems on someone else's thread and interrupt a topic of discussion.

13. Do not use someone else’s thread for a private conversation.

14. Watch your sense of humor, posts may be read by people from a variety of backgrounds and ages.

15. Do not use a huge and annoying signature, a modest signature is fine, Do not use signature to promote products and services unless you are a sponsor or advertiser, admin and moderators will remove it.

16. Do not post any information that you want private. Posts should not contain personal, identifiable information or content embarrassing to others.

17. Do not post content that violates a copyright.

18. Write concisely and do not ramble.

19. Do not use words like ”urgent” or ”important” in your subject line, be patient.

20. Do not chastise newbies.


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