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  • DISCOUNTED PTE Voucher Hi, due to no takers, now offering the voucher at Php8K. Negotiable. Thank you! ------------------- Hi everyone, I am selling for PHP9,000 one PTE Academic voucher I bought from AECC, expiring on April 25…
  • Hi everyone, I am selling for PHP9,000 one PTE Academic voucher I bought from AECC, expiring on April 25, 2018. If interested, please message me at [email protected]. We'll take it from there. [Note: I had a change of migration plans and wil…
  • Hi everyone, I am selling for PHP9,000 one PTE Academic voucher I bought from AECC, expiring on April 25, 2018. If interested, please message me at [email protected]. We'll take it from there. [Note: I had a change of migration plans and wil…
  • @misterV thank you!
  • @jhun2384, I work in a bank. Kailan na close yung payroll account? At the minimum, banks are required under Philippine regulation to retain customer records as follows: 1) Non-financial (IDs, agreement, etc) for at least five years from date of a…
  • RE: POINTS TABLE QUESTION Hi IA friends, May I constructively refer to you the provision at this link as follows: "Qualification - An award or qualification recognise…
  • @tw1nklestar, based on your stated nature of IT Audit work exp., I suppose it falls under External Audit (EA). In which case, you have more work exp as an Internal Auditor (IA) (2.9 yrs against 2.6 yrs). In my opinion, the SAP Security & Control…
  • Hi Everyone, Question lang po sa Affidavit/Statutory Declaration. I already finalized and printed mine and went to a notary public (around PRC since its near where I currently live). To my dismay, the "attendant" of the notary directed me…
  • @suntanline, thank you! While you are correct on your response , unfortunately, I read your response too late and already tried the "Submit and Finish Uploading" assuming I can upload on a batch-basis. E-mailed VETASSESS but haven't heard from them …
  • Hi everyone, Taking the online application route and currently in the process of uploading files. Stupid question but have to ask, is the "Submit and Finish Uploading" button a one-time thing? I fear that should I use this button, I can no longer u…
  • Hi IA friends! Gusto ko lang po sana malinawan sa Employment Evidence specifically Statutory Declarations and Affidavits. I read the description at VETASSESS website and can't make a clear understanding out of it. 1) Is this optional? 2) Simple co…
  • @Au_Vic & @misterV, thank you! -------- To all, This is about Employment Evidence. First, is Statement of Service (SoS) the same as Cert. of Employment (CoE)? Second, did you include all the quoted items enumerated by VETASSESS (verbatim …
  • Hi all! I've come across below URL source of attached file: On what I understand, the document indicates that for Visa 190, IELTs is required for sponsorship. No mention of PTE. Can someone clarify, …
  • @jiomariano That clarifies the matter. Thanks for the info!
  • @jhun2384, I suppose you paid the fees for both 189 and 190, didn't you? If so, it may not be feasible on a limited resources. May I please know the reason you applied for both, should you not mind?
  • @Au_Vic, your reply is spot on. With that I can begin with the "right" foot forward and it means a lot. Thank you and may God bless you!
  • Hi everyone! Bago po ako dito sa thread, and site as well. Read this whole IA thread and found it informative and helpful. Thank you for sharing! Kaso parang advance na po discussions. Hehe. I am yet to start anything (for visa application). My…

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