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Local Work Experience

atheleneathelene BrisbanePosts: 766Member
Hi, I've been looking through job postings sa Indeed and Seek, and most full-time jobs are looking for "local experience." I just want to ask if this "local experience" has to be very relevant to my industry (i.e. architecture/interior design), or pwede ba ma-count yung mga casual/part-time jobs (retail, hospitality, etc.) as local experience? Mga casual jobs mostly ang nakikita ko na job postings, wala masyadong part-time na related sa field ko.

232111 (Architect) | Current points: 65

30-01-2018 Applied for student visa (MArchSci), offshore application.
11-08-2020 Applied for student visa (PhD), onshore application.
28-02-2022 Submitted application to AACA for skills assessment (OQA Stage 1)
27-05-2022 Received skills assessment outcome (Suitable/Positive)
Next steps: PTE exam


  • JC45JC45 France
    Posts: 15Member
    Joined: Jun 01, 2018
    I don't really know.. But you can try you don't have nothing to loose. ;)
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