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TAFE or University?

CossieCossie PhilippinesPosts: 9Member

I would like to ask - which is better? TAFE or Uni?

I am 22 years old and have studied 4 years of college here in the Philippines (Bachelor of Science in Advertising - Irregular Student). The child visa my Dad applied for me got granted sooner than expected, so I have to leave for Australia in 2 weeks. I want to study and work when I get there, but I realized how expensive University is, so I'm opting for TAFE first (Certification IV in Marketing and Communication) - work casual jobs, and then eventually get a better one when I finish my certification and save up for University.

Do you think this would be a good plan? Or should I just focus on finding full time work first (even just casual jobs) and then save up for when I can finally afford University?

Thank you so so much, mga kapwa pinoy!

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