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Which states has more opportunities for trades/blue - Perth or Sydney?

rolf021rolf021 SydneyPosts: 191Member
edited February 2013 in Working in Australia
Hi, just wondering..saan ba mas marami jobs for undergrads - trades/labourers/blue-collared jobs. Sa Sydney or Perth?


  • LokiJrLokiJr Quezon City
    Posts: 2,616Member, Moderator
    Joined: Jan 13, 2011
    Kung construction or mining related ang papasukan niyo, mas marami ang blue collar jobs ng nasa WA di hamak hehe...More on Retail, I.T. at Finance and NSW kasi
  • rolf021rolf021 Sydney
    Posts: 191Member
    Joined: May 22, 2012
    @LokiJr - salamat po sa reply. Ano po ba mga blue collared jobs sa NSW?
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