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Room for Rent in Tullamarine/ Airport West (near Airport)

jacjacjacjacjacjac PhilippinesPosts: 302Member
edited September 2018 in Accommodations
Posting for a friend:

Sunny and Lovely for rent in Tullamarine. I am looking for one female housemate. The bed and mattress are brand new. This room has a nice big wardrobe.

This is a 3 bedrooms house and currently there is one vacant room. The location of the property is close to Airport West Westfield Shopping Mall (5 min drive) and it only takes 10 min drive to Tullamarine airport.

The rent is $185 per week plus $20 estimated bills per week. If you are interested, please feel free to contact me.


  • coco_12coco_12 new york
    Posts: 6Member
    Joined: Sep 25, 2018
    hi @jacjacjac, is this still available? and it is a private room? or will be shared? thanks!
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