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Looking for room / apartment for rent near Griffith University Gold Coast Campus

hersheythegreathersheythegreat PhilippinesPosts: 51Member
Looking for a room or a studio unit for a couple near Griffith University Gold Coast Campus

Master of International Hospitality Management

January 20, 2018 - IELTS Exam
February 2, 2018 - Exam Results (L: 8 R: 7 W: 7 S: 8.5 OVERALL 7.5)
October 22, 2018 - Sent Applications to ECU, LCB, & Griffith Uni
November 1 - Received offer letter & scholarship from ECU
November 8 - Received offer from Griffith University (w/ schoalrship
November 19 - Received offer letter from Le Cordon Bleu Adelaide
November 25 - Accepted ECU Offer
December 3 - Paid for Tuition
December 4 - Paid OSHC ($6k+)
December 6 - Received COE
January 7 - Lodged our Visa

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