ANZSCO 233513 | Production or Plant Engineer | Age :25, Education: 15, Employment: 15, PTE: 20| Total points = 75
10.01.2016 | Interest in OZ migration ignited!
03.03.2018 | Started PTE review through CEVAS (10 sessions).
05.15.2018 | PTE A Test : LRSW|79/86/83/86
06.06.2018 | Lodged EA Assessment.
08.28.2018 | Received positive results from EA (wew)! All experiences credited.
08.28.2018 | Lodged EOI for visa 189.
09.10.2018 | Invitation to Apply (ITA) received.
09.27.2018 | Lodged visa.
10.08.2018 | Medical for dependents (no action required).
10.22.2018 | Medical for main applicant (no action required).
12.17.2018 | IMMI Assessment Commence Letter Received.
12.19.2018 | Grant finally! ^_^
most recent by Canibal
most recent by cebreros
Visa 491: Do we need to get OEC?
most recent by cebreros
Western Australia Immigration Matters FY 2024-2025
most recent by jar0
Australian Computer Society Skills Application
most recent by RheaMARN1171933
most recent by balmetav
Timeline of Skills Assessment and Visa Grant
most recent by Ozdrims
most recent by casssie
The longest running Pinoy-Australian Forum site in the history. We are connecting Pinoys "in" and "to" Australia since 2010! If you want to join in, click one of these buttons!
Posts: 327Member
Joined: Nov 11, 2016
| IE 233511 | A:30 (until Dec31)| ELA:10 | Q:15 | OWE:15 | = 70
Posts: 318Member
Joined: Oct 19, 2016
ANZSCO 233513 | Production or Plant Engineer | Age :25, Education: 15, Employment: 15, PTE: 20| Total points = 75
10.01.2016 | Interest in OZ migration ignited!
03.03.2018 | Started PTE review through CEVAS (10 sessions).
05.15.2018 | PTE A Test : LRSW|79/86/83/86
06.06.2018 | Lodged EA Assessment.
08.28.2018 | Received positive results from EA (wew)! All experiences credited.
08.28.2018 | Lodged EOI for visa 189.
09.10.2018 | Invitation to Apply (ITA) received.
09.27.2018 | Lodged visa.
10.08.2018 | Medical for dependents (no action required).
10.22.2018 | Medical for main applicant (no action required).
12.17.2018 | IMMI Assessment Commence Letter Received.
12.19.2018 | Grant finally! ^_^
Joined: Jul 30, 2018
Posts: 472Member
Joined: Mar 31, 2018
Username | Visa type | Lodge Date | GSM Office | Date Granted | Target State/City | IED
******VISA LODGE******
Username | Visa type | Lodge Date | Date CO Contacted / Requested Documents | GSM Office
***Invitation Received***
Username | Visa type | Points | ANZSCO code | ITA Date Received
1. @Hendro |190 SA| 65+5|311411| 03 October 2018
*******EOI LODGE*******
Username | Visa type | Points | ANZSCO code | EOI Lodge Date
ANZSCO 311411 | Age :30, Education: 15, Experience: 10, PTE: 10|
04.04.2018 | Lodged Vetassess Assessment
05.31.2018 | Vetassess Result : POSITIVE
06.18.2018 | PTE Mock Test A |LRSW|65/69/79/68|
06.23.2018 | PTE Mock Test B |LRSW|74/65/84/76|
06.28.2018 | PTE-A |LRSW|74/73/90/74|
07.06.2018 | Submitted 190 EOI 65+5=70 pts SA|
07.08.2018 | Lodged SA State Nomination Application
10.03.2018 | 190 Invitation Received.
10.12.2018 | Singapore COC issued
11.06.2018 | NBI Clearance Issued
11.17.2018 | Medicals (Point Medical Paragon)
11.23.2018 | Health Clearance Provided - No Actions Required
11.23.2018 | Visa Lodgement
03.04.2019 | Direct Grant! Thank you LORD!
04.18.2019 | IED | Adelaide
03.18.2021 | BM | Adelaide
| Set your goals high, and don't stop till you get there.|
Posts: 773Member
Joined: Jun 12, 2017
261312 Developer Programmer - (English - 20pts | Age - 30pts. | Qualification - 10 | Experience - 0 ) = 60pts.
Subclass 189 - 60pts.
Subclass 190 - (60 + 5 spouse points + 5 SN) = 70pts.
08/04/2016 - Took IELTS - L/R/W/S - 6.5/7/6.5/7 - Competent
05/17/2017 - PTE Mock A - L/R/W/S - 74/62/66/76
05/19/2017 - PTE Mock B - L/R/W/S - 76/70/72/89
05/30/2017 - PTE Take 1 - L/R/W/S - 79/75/78/78 - Proficient
06/06/2017 - PTE Take 2 - L/R/W/S - 82/87/90/88- Superior - Thank you, Lord!
PTE Tips:
06/14/2017 - Collection of docs for ACS Assessment
06/21/2017 - Submitted ACS Assessment
08/14/2017 - ACS Result Positive. Equivalent to AQF Associate Degree. 5 years experience deducted.
08/15/2017 - Gathering docs for spouse points (VETASSESS)
08/22/2017 - Lodged spouse's VETASSESS
10/05/2017 - VETASSESS results positive - aquired 5pts. for 190
10/07/2017 - Submitted EOI - 189, 190-NSW, 190-VIC
10/20/2017 - ITA NSW Received!
10/22/2017 - Submitted NSW Application
11/28/2017 - NSW SS Approved! Received ITA for visa 190
---------------Gathering docs for visa lodge---------------
-------------------- Christmas Break --------------------
01-19-2018 - Visa lodge, SG eAppeal
01-23-2018 - SG eAppeal Approved
01-25-2018 - Wife's SG eAppeal Approved
02-03-2018 - Medical - wife and me
02-05-2018 - Medical - kids
02-08-2018 - Medical - Daughter - IGRA
02-14-2018 - Form 815 Health Undertaking for daughter
04-27-2018 - 1st CO Contact: Parental Consent/Form 1229
05-22-2018 - 2nd CO Contact: Wife's Statutory Declaration
08-21-2018 - 3rd CO Contact: Repeat Medical - Daughter
09-21-2018 - VISA GRANT! Thank you Lord!
11-11-2018 - IE (Medicare, Centrelink, NSW DL)
April 2019 - Target BM with wife
January 2020 - Target BM - 3 kids
Posts: 472Member
Joined: Mar 31, 2018
ANZSCO 311411 | Age :30, Education: 15, Experience: 10, PTE: 10|
04.04.2018 | Lodged Vetassess Assessment
05.31.2018 | Vetassess Result : POSITIVE
06.18.2018 | PTE Mock Test A |LRSW|65/69/79/68|
06.23.2018 | PTE Mock Test B |LRSW|74/65/84/76|
06.28.2018 | PTE-A |LRSW|74/73/90/74|
07.06.2018 | Submitted 190 EOI 65+5=70 pts SA|
07.08.2018 | Lodged SA State Nomination Application
10.03.2018 | 190 Invitation Received.
10.12.2018 | Singapore COC issued
11.06.2018 | NBI Clearance Issued
11.17.2018 | Medicals (Point Medical Paragon)
11.23.2018 | Health Clearance Provided - No Actions Required
11.23.2018 | Visa Lodgement
03.04.2019 | Direct Grant! Thank you LORD!
04.18.2019 | IED | Adelaide
03.18.2021 | BM | Adelaide
| Set your goals high, and don't stop till you get there.|
Posts: 773Member
Joined: Jun 12, 2017
261312 Developer Programmer - (English - 20pts | Age - 30pts. | Qualification - 10 | Experience - 0 ) = 60pts.
Subclass 189 - 60pts.
Subclass 190 - (60 + 5 spouse points + 5 SN) = 70pts.
08/04/2016 - Took IELTS - L/R/W/S - 6.5/7/6.5/7 - Competent
05/17/2017 - PTE Mock A - L/R/W/S - 74/62/66/76
05/19/2017 - PTE Mock B - L/R/W/S - 76/70/72/89
05/30/2017 - PTE Take 1 - L/R/W/S - 79/75/78/78 - Proficient
06/06/2017 - PTE Take 2 - L/R/W/S - 82/87/90/88- Superior - Thank you, Lord!
PTE Tips:
06/14/2017 - Collection of docs for ACS Assessment
06/21/2017 - Submitted ACS Assessment
08/14/2017 - ACS Result Positive. Equivalent to AQF Associate Degree. 5 years experience deducted.
08/15/2017 - Gathering docs for spouse points (VETASSESS)
08/22/2017 - Lodged spouse's VETASSESS
10/05/2017 - VETASSESS results positive - aquired 5pts. for 190
10/07/2017 - Submitted EOI - 189, 190-NSW, 190-VIC
10/20/2017 - ITA NSW Received!
10/22/2017 - Submitted NSW Application
11/28/2017 - NSW SS Approved! Received ITA for visa 190
---------------Gathering docs for visa lodge---------------
-------------------- Christmas Break --------------------
01-19-2018 - Visa lodge, SG eAppeal
01-23-2018 - SG eAppeal Approved
01-25-2018 - Wife's SG eAppeal Approved
02-03-2018 - Medical - wife and me
02-05-2018 - Medical - kids
02-08-2018 - Medical - Daughter - IGRA
02-14-2018 - Form 815 Health Undertaking for daughter
04-27-2018 - 1st CO Contact: Parental Consent/Form 1229
05-22-2018 - 2nd CO Contact: Wife's Statutory Declaration
08-21-2018 - 3rd CO Contact: Repeat Medical - Daughter
09-21-2018 - VISA GRANT! Thank you Lord!
11-11-2018 - IE (Medicare, Centrelink, NSW DL)
April 2019 - Target BM with wife
January 2020 - Target BM - 3 kids
Posts: 472Member
Joined: Mar 31, 2018
ANZSCO 311411 | Age :30, Education: 15, Experience: 10, PTE: 10|
04.04.2018 | Lodged Vetassess Assessment
05.31.2018 | Vetassess Result : POSITIVE
06.18.2018 | PTE Mock Test A |LRSW|65/69/79/68|
06.23.2018 | PTE Mock Test B |LRSW|74/65/84/76|
06.28.2018 | PTE-A |LRSW|74/73/90/74|
07.06.2018 | Submitted 190 EOI 65+5=70 pts SA|
07.08.2018 | Lodged SA State Nomination Application
10.03.2018 | 190 Invitation Received.
10.12.2018 | Singapore COC issued
11.06.2018 | NBI Clearance Issued
11.17.2018 | Medicals (Point Medical Paragon)
11.23.2018 | Health Clearance Provided - No Actions Required
11.23.2018 | Visa Lodgement
03.04.2019 | Direct Grant! Thank you LORD!
04.18.2019 | IED | Adelaide
03.18.2021 | BM | Adelaide
| Set your goals high, and don't stop till you get there.|
Posts: 3,532Member, Moderator
Joined: Oct 04, 2011
221213 External Auditor|489 - 70pts - SS NT
21|07|16 - Applied CPAA membership assessment
31|07|16 - PTE-A L|S|W|R (73|79|78|77)
01|08|16 - Submitted CPAA migration assessment
20|09|17 - EOI 190 - NT (delayed due to show money req.)
- collating requirements for NT SS application
18|10|17 - Submitted NT SS application (praying for + result)
24|04|18 - 190 not successful,
- was offered 489 instead and accepted the offer
- engaged with visa consort agency for visa application submission.
26|04|18 - Invited to apply for SS visa 489 - Northern Territory
02|05|18 - PCC processing
20|05|18 - Medical
06|06|18 - Visa payment
15|09|18 - happy na birthday pa, visa grant pa.. TYL
09|02|19 - Big move
11|02|19 - First job interview
12|02|19 - Received a job offer
13|02|19 - Accepted job offer
13|08|19 - Accepted a new job offer - new employer
16|10|20 - Started new job - a better opportunity
01|01|21 - Started CPA Australia qualification
10|02|21 - Lodged 887 visa application
June 2021 - First CPA subject passed
Nov 2021 - 2nd CPA Subject passed
June 2022 - 3rd and 4th CPA subject passed
Nov 2022 - 5th subject passed (failed the other one)
Feb 2023 - PR visa granted
June 2023 - Officially a CPA Australia member
Apr 2024 - Joined the government (employee)
July 2024 - Citizenship exam & passed
Nov 2024 - Citizenship Ceremony
Posts: 773Member
Joined: Jun 12, 2017
261312 Developer Programmer - (English - 20pts | Age - 30pts. | Qualification - 10 | Experience - 0 ) = 60pts.
Subclass 189 - 60pts.
Subclass 190 - (60 + 5 spouse points + 5 SN) = 70pts.
08/04/2016 - Took IELTS - L/R/W/S - 6.5/7/6.5/7 - Competent
05/17/2017 - PTE Mock A - L/R/W/S - 74/62/66/76
05/19/2017 - PTE Mock B - L/R/W/S - 76/70/72/89
05/30/2017 - PTE Take 1 - L/R/W/S - 79/75/78/78 - Proficient
06/06/2017 - PTE Take 2 - L/R/W/S - 82/87/90/88- Superior - Thank you, Lord!
PTE Tips:
06/14/2017 - Collection of docs for ACS Assessment
06/21/2017 - Submitted ACS Assessment
08/14/2017 - ACS Result Positive. Equivalent to AQF Associate Degree. 5 years experience deducted.
08/15/2017 - Gathering docs for spouse points (VETASSESS)
08/22/2017 - Lodged spouse's VETASSESS
10/05/2017 - VETASSESS results positive - aquired 5pts. for 190
10/07/2017 - Submitted EOI - 189, 190-NSW, 190-VIC
10/20/2017 - ITA NSW Received!
10/22/2017 - Submitted NSW Application
11/28/2017 - NSW SS Approved! Received ITA for visa 190
---------------Gathering docs for visa lodge---------------
-------------------- Christmas Break --------------------
01-19-2018 - Visa lodge, SG eAppeal
01-23-2018 - SG eAppeal Approved
01-25-2018 - Wife's SG eAppeal Approved
02-03-2018 - Medical - wife and me
02-05-2018 - Medical - kids
02-08-2018 - Medical - Daughter - IGRA
02-14-2018 - Form 815 Health Undertaking for daughter
04-27-2018 - 1st CO Contact: Parental Consent/Form 1229
05-22-2018 - 2nd CO Contact: Wife's Statutory Declaration
08-21-2018 - 3rd CO Contact: Repeat Medical - Daughter
09-21-2018 - VISA GRANT! Thank you Lord!
11-11-2018 - IE (Medicare, Centrelink, NSW DL)
April 2019 - Target BM with wife
January 2020 - Target BM - 3 kids
Posts: 98Member
Joined: May 17, 2018
Username | Visa type | Lodge Date | GSM Office | Date Granted | Target State/City | IED
******VISA LODGE******
Username | Visa type | Lodge Date | Date CO Contacted / Requested Documents | GSM Office
***Invitation Received***
Username | Visa type | Points | ANZSCO code | ITA Date Received
1. @Hendro |190 SA| 65+5|311411| 03 October 2018
*******EOI LODGE*******
Username | Visa type | Points | ANZSCO code | EOI Lodge Date
1. @jijolly | 189 | 80 | 233211 | 08 October 2018
233211 Civil Engineer |AGE=30pts | EDUCATION=15pts| EXPERIENCE= 15pts | ENGLISH=20pts ||| Total: 80pts
Thank you Lord! Thank you Pinoyau members!
Posts: 101Member
Joined: Aug 12, 2017
Username | Visa type | Lodge Date | GSM Office | Date Granted | Target State/City | IED
******VISA LODGE******
Username | Visa type | Lodge Date | Date CO Contacted / Requested Documents | GSM Office
***Invitation Received***
Username | Visa type | Points | ANZSCO code | ITA Date Received
1. @Hendro |190 SA| 65+5|311411| 03 October 2018
*******EOI LODGE*******
Username | Visa type | Points | ANZSCO code | EOI Lodge Date
1. @jijolly | 189 | 80 | 233211 | 08 October 2018
2. @Rodelc_sg | 189/190 NSW | 75 / 80 | 233513 | 05 October 2018
233513 || Production Engineer || (Age: 25 pts | Education: 15 pts | Experience: 15 pts | English: 20 pts | Total: 75 pts)
xx|01|2016| Desire to migrate to OZ ignited
xx|09|2016| Engage Migration Agent for qualification assessment
xx|01|2017| Started preparing documents and reviewing for IELTS
11|02|2017| IELTS (L-7.0 | R-7.5 | S-7.0 | W-7.0) (Proficient)
18|08|2017| Submitted CDR to EA for assessment (Fast Track)
14|09|2017| EA positive outcome, Occupation Production Engineer
14|09|2017| Submitted EOI. 189 | 65 | 233513 Production Engineer
24|05|2018| PTE (L-70 | R-75 | S-75 | W-69) (Proficient)
28|08|2018| PTE Retake. (L-65 | R-80 | S-81 | W-65) (Proficient)
14|09|2018| PTE Retake. (L-82 | R-87 | S-90 | W-81) (Superior)
17|09|2018| Updated EOI. 189 | 75 | 233513 Production Engineer
11|10|2018| 189 INVITED!
05|11|2018| Visa Lodge
16|11|2018| Submitted SG Police COC
30|11|2018| Medical cleared for Main applicant and dependents. No action required.
15|02|2019| Direct Grant, Praise God! you're timing is indeed always perfect!
102 days - counting ends here!
Joined: Jul 30, 2018
Updating po..
Username | Visa type | Lodge Date | GSM Office | Date Granted | Target State/City | IED
******VISA LODGE******
Username | Visa type | Lodge Date | Date CO Contacted / Requested Documents | GSM Office
***Invitation Received***
Username | Visa type | Points | ANZSCO code | ITA Date Received
1. @Hendro |190 SA| 65+5|311411| 03 October 2018
2. @Aesin | 489 SA | 80 | 312111 | 03 October 2018
*******EOI LODGE*******
Username | Visa type | Points | ANZSCO code | EOI Lodge Date
1. @jijolly | 189 | 80 | 233211 | 08 October 2018
2. @Rodelc_sg | 189/190 NSW | 75 / 80 | 233513 | 05 October 2018
Posts: 75Member
Joined: May 08, 2018
Username | Visa type | Lodge Date | GSM Office | Date Granted | Target State/City | IED
******VISA LODGE******
Username | Visa type | Lodge Date | Date CO Contacted / Requested Documents | GSM Office
1. @rnmh | 189 | 04 Oct 2018
***Invitation Received***
Username | Visa type | Points | ANZSCO code | ITA Date Received
1. @Hendro |190 SA| 65+5|311411| 03 October 2018
2. @Aesin | 489 SA | 80 | 312111 | 03 October 2018
*******EOI LODGE*******
Username | Visa type | Points | ANZSCO code | EOI Lodge Date
1. @jijolly | 189 | 80 | 233211 | 08 October 2018
2. @Rodelc_sg | 189/190 NSW | 75 / 80 | 233513 | 05 October 2018
Posts: 71Member
Joined: Apr 09, 2018
Username | Visa type | Lodge Date | GSM Office | Date Granted | Target State/City | IED
******VISA LODGE******
Username | Visa type | Lodge Date | Date CO Contacted / Requested Documents | GSM Office
1. @rnmh | 189 | 04 Oct 2018
2. @RejNaix11 | 189 | 10 Oct 2018
***Invitation Received***
Username | Visa type | Points | ANZSCO code | ITA Date Received
1. @Hendro |190 SA| 65+5|311411| 03 October 2018
2. @Aesin | 489 SA | 80 | 312111 | 03 October 2018
*******EOI LODGE*******
Username | Visa type | Points | ANZSCO code | EOI Lodge Date
1. @jijolly | 189 | 80 | 233211 | 08 October 2018
2. @Rodelc_sg | 189/190 NSW | 75 / 80 | 233513 | 05 October 2018
Posts: 101Member
Joined: Aug 12, 2017
233513 || Production Engineer || (Age: 25 pts | Education: 15 pts | Experience: 15 pts | English: 20 pts | Total: 75 pts)
xx|01|2016| Desire to migrate to OZ ignited
xx|09|2016| Engage Migration Agent for qualification assessment
xx|01|2017| Started preparing documents and reviewing for IELTS
11|02|2017| IELTS (L-7.0 | R-7.5 | S-7.0 | W-7.0) (Proficient)
18|08|2017| Submitted CDR to EA for assessment (Fast Track)
14|09|2017| EA positive outcome, Occupation Production Engineer
14|09|2017| Submitted EOI. 189 | 65 | 233513 Production Engineer
24|05|2018| PTE (L-70 | R-75 | S-75 | W-69) (Proficient)
28|08|2018| PTE Retake. (L-65 | R-80 | S-81 | W-65) (Proficient)
14|09|2018| PTE Retake. (L-82 | R-87 | S-90 | W-81) (Superior)
17|09|2018| Updated EOI. 189 | 75 | 233513 Production Engineer
11|10|2018| 189 INVITED!
05|11|2018| Visa Lodge
16|11|2018| Submitted SG Police COC
30|11|2018| Medical cleared for Main applicant and dependents. No action required.
15|02|2019| Direct Grant, Praise God! you're timing is indeed always perfect!
102 days - counting ends here!
Posts: 318Member
Joined: Oct 19, 2016
ANZSCO 233513 | Production or Plant Engineer | Age :25, Education: 15, Employment: 15, PTE: 20| Total points = 75
10.01.2016 | Interest in OZ migration ignited!
03.03.2018 | Started PTE review through CEVAS (10 sessions).
05.15.2018 | PTE A Test : LRSW|79/86/83/86
06.06.2018 | Lodged EA Assessment.
08.28.2018 | Received positive results from EA (wew)! All experiences credited.
08.28.2018 | Lodged EOI for visa 189.
09.10.2018 | Invitation to Apply (ITA) received.
09.27.2018 | Lodged visa.
10.08.2018 | Medical for dependents (no action required).
10.22.2018 | Medical for main applicant (no action required).
12.17.2018 | IMMI Assessment Commence Letter Received.
12.19.2018 | Grant finally! ^_^
Posts: 98Member
Joined: May 17, 2018
233211 Civil Engineer |AGE=30pts | EDUCATION=15pts| EXPERIENCE= 15pts | ENGLISH=20pts ||| Total: 80pts
Thank you Lord! Thank you Pinoyau members!
Posts: 327Member
Joined: Nov 11, 2016
| IE 233511 | A:30 (until Dec31)| ELA:10 | Q:15 | OWE:15 | = 70
Posts: 283Member
Joined: Apr 08, 2018
The flower that blooms in adversity, is the most rare and beautiful.
Joined: Jan 12, 2018
Nominated Occupation : Chemical Engineer 233111, 189 (75 points)
11-Nov-2017 IELTS, L8.5 | R9.0 | S7.0 | W7.0
27-Nov-2017 EOI Lodged 189 (65 points)
22-Aug-2018 PTE Academic
23-Aug-2018 PTE Academic, L90 | R78 | S90 | W82
30-Aug-2018 PTE Academic
31-Aug-2018 PTE Academic, L90 | R79 | S90 | W82
31-Aug-2018 EOI Updated 189 (75 points)
10-Sept-2018 ITA Received 189 Praise the Lord!
24-Sept-2018 Visa Lodged 189 Praying...
29-Sept-2018 Health Assessment at Nationwide Health Systems
02-Oct-2018 Health clearance provided – no action required
01-Dec-2018 Visa Grant (Direct Grant) God iba ka talaga!!!
“My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness...for when I am weak, then I am strong." 2 Corinthians: 9-10
Posts: 75Member
Joined: May 08, 2018
Posts: 131Member
Joined: Jul 10, 2018
Username | Visa type | Lodge Date | GSM Office | Date Granted | Target State/City | IED
******VISA LODGE******
Username | Visa type | Lodge Date | Date CO Contacted / Requested Documents | GSM Office
1. @rnmh | 189 | 04 Oct 2018
2. @RejNaix11 | 189 | 10 Oct 2018
3. @Drickster | 489 SA | 10 Oct 2018
***Invitation Received***
Username | Visa type | Points | ANZSCO code | ITA Date Received
1. @Hendro |190 SA| 65+5|311411| 03 October 2018
2. @Aesin | 489 SA | 80 | 312111 | 03 October 2018
*******EOI LODGE*******
Username | Visa type | Points | ANZSCO code | EOI Lodge Date
1. @jijolly | 189 | 80 | 233211 | 08 October 2018
2. @Rodelc_sg | 189/190 NSW | 75 / 80 | 233513 | 05 October 2018
Posts: 226Member
Joined: May 02, 2018
Username | Visa type | Lodge Date | GSM Office | Date Granted | Target State/City | IED
******VISA LODGE******
Username | Visa type | Lodge Date | Date CO Contacted / Requested Documents | GSM Office
1. @rnmh | 189 | 04 Oct 2018
2. @RejNaix11 | 189 | 10 Oct 2018
3. @Drickster | 489 SA | 10 Oct 2018
***Invitation Received***
Username | Visa type | Points | ANZSCO code | ITA Date Received
1. @Hendro |190 SA| 65+5|311411| 03 October 2018
2. @Aesin | 489 SA | 80 | 312111 | 03 October 2018
3. @zirko | 189 | 75 | 233915 | 10 Oct 2018
*******EOI LODGE*******
Username | Visa type | Points | ANZSCO code | EOI Lodge Date
1. @jijolly | 189 | 80 | 233211 | 08 October 2018
2. @Rodelc_sg | 189/190 NSW | 75 / 80 | 233513 | 05 October 2018
233915 Environmental Engineer | 189 | Age: 25 pts | Education: 15 pts | Experience: 15 pts | English: 20 pts | Total: 75 pts
11|04|18 - PTE-A L|R|S|W (77|90|90|79)
18|04|18 - Started CDR
23|04|18 - PTE-A L|R|S|W (87|90|90|90)
01|05|18 - Registered with pinoyau
07|06|18 - Lodged CDR + RSEA + Fast Track
06|07|18 - EA assessor contact for further evidences
10|07|18 - Received positive EA results + all years claimed
11|07|18 - Lodged EOI 189
10|10|18 - Invited
10|12|18 - Invitation expired
10|12|18 - Re-Invited
03|02|19 - Lodge Visa 189
16|03|19 - Medicals started
26|03|19 - Medicals concluded
29|03|19 - Medicals forwarded by clinic
31|03|19 - Medicals cleared
13|04|19 - CO contact for a frontloaded form
13|04|19 - Requested form attached again
13|04|19 - Left feedback
23|04|19 - Visa grant
22|08|19 - Initial Entry
12|08|20 - BIG MOVE
Posts: 32Member
Joined: Sep 24, 2018
Posts: 3,532Member, Moderator
Joined: Oct 04, 2011
221213 External Auditor|489 - 70pts - SS NT
21|07|16 - Applied CPAA membership assessment
31|07|16 - PTE-A L|S|W|R (73|79|78|77)
01|08|16 - Submitted CPAA migration assessment
20|09|17 - EOI 190 - NT (delayed due to show money req.)
- collating requirements for NT SS application
18|10|17 - Submitted NT SS application (praying for + result)
24|04|18 - 190 not successful,
- was offered 489 instead and accepted the offer
- engaged with visa consort agency for visa application submission.
26|04|18 - Invited to apply for SS visa 489 - Northern Territory
02|05|18 - PCC processing
20|05|18 - Medical
06|06|18 - Visa payment
15|09|18 - happy na birthday pa, visa grant pa.. TYL
09|02|19 - Big move
11|02|19 - First job interview
12|02|19 - Received a job offer
13|02|19 - Accepted job offer
13|08|19 - Accepted a new job offer - new employer
16|10|20 - Started new job - a better opportunity
01|01|21 - Started CPA Australia qualification
10|02|21 - Lodged 887 visa application
June 2021 - First CPA subject passed
Nov 2021 - 2nd CPA Subject passed
June 2022 - 3rd and 4th CPA subject passed
Nov 2022 - 5th subject passed (failed the other one)
Feb 2023 - PR visa granted
June 2023 - Officially a CPA Australia member
Apr 2024 - Joined the government (employee)
July 2024 - Citizenship exam & passed
Nov 2024 - Citizenship Ceremony
Posts: 98Member
Joined: May 17, 2018
233211 Civil Engineer |AGE=30pts | EDUCATION=15pts| EXPERIENCE= 15pts | ENGLISH=20pts ||| Total: 80pts
Thank you Lord! Thank you Pinoyau members!
Posts: 3,532Member, Moderator
Joined: Oct 04, 2011
221213 External Auditor|489 - 70pts - SS NT
21|07|16 - Applied CPAA membership assessment
31|07|16 - PTE-A L|S|W|R (73|79|78|77)
01|08|16 - Submitted CPAA migration assessment
20|09|17 - EOI 190 - NT (delayed due to show money req.)
- collating requirements for NT SS application
18|10|17 - Submitted NT SS application (praying for + result)
24|04|18 - 190 not successful,
- was offered 489 instead and accepted the offer
- engaged with visa consort agency for visa application submission.
26|04|18 - Invited to apply for SS visa 489 - Northern Territory
02|05|18 - PCC processing
20|05|18 - Medical
06|06|18 - Visa payment
15|09|18 - happy na birthday pa, visa grant pa.. TYL
09|02|19 - Big move
11|02|19 - First job interview
12|02|19 - Received a job offer
13|02|19 - Accepted job offer
13|08|19 - Accepted a new job offer - new employer
16|10|20 - Started new job - a better opportunity
01|01|21 - Started CPA Australia qualification
10|02|21 - Lodged 887 visa application
June 2021 - First CPA subject passed
Nov 2021 - 2nd CPA Subject passed
June 2022 - 3rd and 4th CPA subject passed
Nov 2022 - 5th subject passed (failed the other one)
Feb 2023 - PR visa granted
June 2023 - Officially a CPA Australia member
Apr 2024 - Joined the government (employee)
July 2024 - Citizenship exam & passed
Nov 2024 - Citizenship Ceremony
Joined: Oct 03, 2018
Username | Visa type | Lodge Date | GSM Office | Date Granted | Target State/City | IED
******VISA LODGE******
Username | Visa type | Lodge Date | Date CO Contacted / Requested Documents | GSM Office
1. @rnmh | 189 | 04 Oct 2018
2. @RejNaix11 | 189 | 10 Oct 2018
3. @Drickster | 489 SA | 10 Oct 2018
***Invitation Received***
Username | Visa type | Points | ANZSCO code | ITA Date Received
1. @Hendro |190 SA| 65+5|311411| 03 October 2018
2. @Aesin | 489 SA | 80 | 312111 | 03 October 2018
3. @zirko | 189 | 75 | 233915 | 10 Oct 2018
4. @ayennnnnn | 189 | 224111| 75 pts | 10 Oct 2018
*******EOI LODGE*******
Username | Visa type | Points | ANZSCO code | EOI Lodge Date
1. @jijolly | 189 | 80 | 233211 | 08 October 2018
2. @Rodelc_sg | 189/190 NSW | 75 / 80 | 233513 | 05 October 2018
ANZSCO 2224111 | Actuary |
03.07.2018 | Lodged Skills Assessment (VETASSESS)
05.11.2018 | Received positive results from VETASSESS
09.27.2018 | PTE A Test : LRSW|86/90/90/86
09.28.2018 | Lodged EOI for visa 189.
10.10.2018 | Invitation to Apply (ITA) received.
10.19.2018 | Lodged visa.
10.23.2018 | Medical (no action required).
Posts: 98Member
Joined: May 17, 2018
233211 Civil Engineer |AGE=30pts | EDUCATION=15pts| EXPERIENCE= 15pts | ENGLISH=20pts ||| Total: 80pts
Thank you Lord! Thank you Pinoyau members!