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different dates format

schamaschama singaporePosts: 45Member
Hi again,

I'm having issues in my form 1149 yung mga dates ay won't fit sa space provided,i mean the format is date/month/year pero pag encode ko ay example : 02 / 12/1955 hindi sya mag fit sa space provided at yung slash (/) matatamaan yung numbers ko na inilagay,when ever i change the format or ilagay yung month di pa rin mapapasok sa gitna. na di matatamaan ang slash (/) any inputs po on how to do it po..thanks ..


  • MiaMia NZ
    Posts: 324Member
    Joined: Oct 27, 2011
    Use spacebar/add spaces
  • schamaschama singapore
    Posts: 45Member
    Joined: Apr 21, 2015
    thanks mia natry ko na po yan kahit walang space o buwan nilagay ko pero still the slash symbol will appear in the number....hindi sa gitna
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