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Does Immigration consider the occupation of a pastry chef to be a specialization of chef?

I'm not sure if this is the correct category to ask this question in but I was wondering if the department of home affairs recognized the occupation of pastry chef as a specialization of chef(unfortunately you can't go on a 485 visa as a pastry cook)as I'd like to go on a 485 visa after finishing my studies(diploma of hospitality+cert iii+cert iv in patisserie) so I could do a Job Ready Program.Thank you.


  • RheaMARN1171933RheaMARN1171933 Posts: 2,777Member, Administrator, Moderator
    Joined: Mar 10, 2016
    Pastry cook is a separate occupation. Use the occupation list as your guide. You cannot apply under chef and provide evidences for pastry cook. Chef specialisation would be commercial cookery, Asian cookery.
  • tina3836tina3836 Posts: 3Member
    Joined: Dec 03, 2018
    @RheaMARN1171933 Thank you for your reply.So even if I can work/have worked as a pastry chef which is higher than a pastry cook,I still have to nominate the occupation of pastry cook?
    I'm asking because TRA had told me the following so I thought if TRA allows me to do the JRP as a pastry chef under "chef",perhaps I could also get a 485 visa as a pastry chef,it being a specialization of chef which would give me time to do the JRP.But then again Immigration and TRA have different policies/guidelines.I'm guessing Immigration doesn't recognize pastry chef as a chef 351311.
    TRA said:
    "The title “Pastry Chef” is an industry term, not a recognised occupation for migration purposes. TRA is unable to provide a skills assessment with the nominated occupation of “Pastry Chef.”
    "If you are employed as and performing the duties of a pastry chef, for the purpose of skills assessment for migration, TRA considers that to be a specialisation of the occupation Chef (351311). Please note that all three occupations have different qualifications requirements.
    TRA will consider the following occupational/qualification alignment for the PSA:
    Chef - Certificate IV in Asian Cookery, Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery or Certificate IV in Patisserie
    Cook – Certificate III in Commercial Cookery
    Pastrycook – Certificate III in Patisserie or Certificate III in Retail Baking (Cake and Pastry)."
  • RheaMARN1171933RheaMARN1171933 Posts: 2,777Member, Administrator, Moderator
    Joined: Mar 10, 2016
    @tina3836 TRA explained it well, the occupation you want to be assessed is not a recognised occupation for migration purposes for obvious reasons - it’s not on the occupation list at all! There goes the answer to your question. Skills assessment and immigration have interlinked requirements. If one applies for skills assessment for migration purposes, then the assessment authority will base their requirements in line with immigration.

    One thing to note as well is that not because the applicant’s title is s a chef, does not mean the actual tasks meet the actual task description of a chef as per ANZSCO Code. From the cases we’ve handled, we’ve had a number of clients (with titles pastry chef and chef with more than 5 years experience) who have applied as a cook instead of chef as they lack some tasks in their role which would be fitting for a chef. Hence they apply for a lower level as they fit more the tasks in this level instead. Title is just a title, the actual tasks an applicant does has more bearing and highly regarded by both the assessing authority and immigration.
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