Software Engineer (261313) | Age = 30 | Education = 15 | Experience = 5 | English = 10
28.10.2016 PTE-A Exam
02.11.2016 PTE-A Results (L69 R66 S50 W77) - saklap!
19.11.2016 PTE-A Mock Exam A (L72 R56 S62 W69)
26.11.2016 PTE-A Mock Exam B (L69 R61 S56 W69)
28.11.2016 PTE-A Exam
28.11.2016 PTE-A Results (L64 R73 S64 W68)
10.02.2017 ACS Skill Assessment - Stage 1 - submit documents
13.02.2017 ACS Skill Assessment - Stage 2
14.02.2017 ACS Skill Assessment - Stage 3
22.02.2017 ACS Skill Assessment - Submit updated document
22.02.2017 ACS Skill Assessment - Stage 4
03.03.2017 ACS Skill Assessment - Stage 5 - positive result!
29.05.2017 PTE-A Exam
29.05.2017 PTE-A Results (L78 R76 S66 W78)
01.06.2017 Lodge EOI - Visa 189 (60 points)
01.06.2017 Lodge EOI - Visa 190 (65 points) - NSW
28.06.2017 Lodge EOI - Visa 190 (65 points) - Victoria
19.07.2017 Lodge EOI - Visa 489 (70 points) - SA - on hold. high points required
27.07.2017 Lodge EOI - Visa 489 (70 points) - Tasmania
30.08.2017 Lodge Tasmania Application
12.10.2017 Tasmania Application - CO assigned
17.10.2017 Tasmania Application - denied
Web Developer (261212) | Age = 30 | Education = 15 | Experience = 10 | English = 10 | State = 10
20.02.2018 ACS Skill Assessment Submit
12.04.2018 ACS Skill Assessment Result - positive!
01.08.2018 additional 5 points for experience
15.08.2018 Lodge EOI - Visa 489 (75 points)
16.08.2018 Lodge SA Application
31.10.2018 ITA received for SA visa 489
27.11.2018 Medical Exam at St. Luke's BGC
29.11.2018 Medical Clearance Provided - no action required
18.12.2018 Lodge Visa
26.09.2019 Visa Grant
28.02.2020 Big Move
08.03.2022 Visa Extension (additional 3 years)
Medical Exam at St. Luke's Experience
BM Experience to Adelaide
Visa 489 Subsequent Entrant (De Facto)
27.12.2021 Lodge Visa
30.04.2022 CO contact - Medical Exam Requested
23.06.2022 Medical Exam at St. Luke's BGC
22.07.2022 Medical Exam at St. Luke's BGC (rescheduled)
10.08.2022 Medical further information required - doctor's note
02.09.2022 Submitted additional requirement
22.01.2023 Medical further information required - x-ray
27.01.2023 Submitted additional requirement
12.12.2023 Visa Grant
11.01.2025 Big Move
Visa 887 Skilled Regional visa (PR)
20.01.2025 Lodge Visa
most recent by mathilde9
most recent by Ozdrims
Australian Computer Society Skills Application
most recent by casssie
Visa 491: Do we need to get OEC?
most recent by kapchiboy
most recent by gelo0924
Engineers Australia Skills Assessment
most recent by Grey26
most recent by Ozdrims
Review center for ielts in the philippines
most recent by laisei33
The longest running Pinoy-Australian Forum site in the history. We are connecting Pinoys "in" and "to" Australia since 2010! If you want to join in, click one of these buttons!
Posts: 766Member
Joined: Mar 13, 2018
232111 (Architect) | Current points: 65
30-01-2018 Applied for student visa (MArchSci), offshore application.
11-08-2020 Applied for student visa (PhD), onshore application.
28-02-2022 Submitted application to AACA for skills assessment (OQA Stage 1)
27-05-2022 Received skills assessment outcome (Suitable/Positive)
Next steps: PTE exam
Posts: 333Member
Joined: Apr 23, 2015
I tried computing it using 0.80 (just to exaggerate it) but it still won't reach 100USD.
oh well... I'll just charge it to experience. I don't want to pay their processing fee if I push this case with them. Worst case is they might hold the payment to my immiaccount while they investigate.
I really can't do anything about this but to suck it up. I just posted this so that other people will be informed of such schemes of BDO.
Software Engineer (261313) | Age = 30 | Education = 15 | Experience = 5 | English = 10
28.10.2016 PTE-A Exam
02.11.2016 PTE-A Results (L69 R66 S50 W77) - saklap!
19.11.2016 PTE-A Mock Exam A (L72 R56 S62 W69)
26.11.2016 PTE-A Mock Exam B (L69 R61 S56 W69)
28.11.2016 PTE-A Exam
28.11.2016 PTE-A Results (L64 R73 S64 W68)
10.02.2017 ACS Skill Assessment - Stage 1 - submit documents
13.02.2017 ACS Skill Assessment - Stage 2
14.02.2017 ACS Skill Assessment - Stage 3
22.02.2017 ACS Skill Assessment - Submit updated document
22.02.2017 ACS Skill Assessment - Stage 4
03.03.2017 ACS Skill Assessment - Stage 5 - positive result!
29.05.2017 PTE-A Exam
29.05.2017 PTE-A Results (L78 R76 S66 W78)
01.06.2017 Lodge EOI - Visa 189 (60 points)
01.06.2017 Lodge EOI - Visa 190 (65 points) - NSW
28.06.2017 Lodge EOI - Visa 190 (65 points) - Victoria
19.07.2017 Lodge EOI - Visa 489 (70 points) - SA - on hold. high points required
27.07.2017 Lodge EOI - Visa 489 (70 points) - Tasmania
30.08.2017 Lodge Tasmania Application
12.10.2017 Tasmania Application - CO assigned
17.10.2017 Tasmania Application - denied
Web Developer (261212) | Age = 30 | Education = 15 | Experience = 10 | English = 10 | State = 10
20.02.2018 ACS Skill Assessment Submit
12.04.2018 ACS Skill Assessment Result - positive!
01.08.2018 additional 5 points for experience
15.08.2018 Lodge EOI - Visa 489 (75 points)
16.08.2018 Lodge SA Application
31.10.2018 ITA received for SA visa 489
27.11.2018 Medical Exam at St. Luke's BGC
29.11.2018 Medical Clearance Provided - no action required
18.12.2018 Lodge Visa
26.09.2019 Visa Grant
28.02.2020 Big Move
08.03.2022 Visa Extension (additional 3 years)
Medical Exam at St. Luke's Experience
BM Experience to Adelaide
Visa 489 Subsequent Entrant (De Facto)
27.12.2021 Lodge Visa
30.04.2022 CO contact - Medical Exam Requested
23.06.2022 Medical Exam at St. Luke's BGC
22.07.2022 Medical Exam at St. Luke's BGC (rescheduled)
10.08.2022 Medical further information required - doctor's note
02.09.2022 Submitted additional requirement
22.01.2023 Medical further information required - x-ray
27.01.2023 Submitted additional requirement
12.12.2023 Visa Grant
11.01.2025 Big Move
Visa 887 Skilled Regional visa (PR)
20.01.2025 Lodge Visa
Posts: 831Member
Joined: Oct 24, 2016