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reiyahreiyah PhilippinesPosts: 1Member
Paano po maka work as radiographer sa Australia? Need po ba mag study doon para maka work?


  • gcdoronila93gcdoronila93 Posts: 16Member
    Joined: Aug 11, 2019
  • lyn24lyn24 Posts: 30Member
    Joined: Aug 27, 2017

    You need a skills assesment from ASMIRT.

    Diagnostic Radiography/Medical Imaging Technology or Radiation Therapy qualifications gained outside Australia are not immediately accepted or recognised for issue of the Australian Society of Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy (ASMIRT) Statement of Qualification which is required for eligibility to ASMIRT membership and by the Australian Department of Immigration and Border Protection for migration purposes. The ASMIRT Statement of Qualification and corresponding skills assessment letter is required for immigration purposes in the skilled migration program.

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