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Health Assessment / Medical - Questions

gdcangdcan Melbourne Posts: 42Member
edited January 2019 in Working and skilled visas

Meron ba dito na nag-fail sa health assessment? May findings kasi lagi ako sa chest xray ko and nagwo-worry ako na baka hindi namin ma-pass yung health assessment dahil dito. Any experiences with issues sa health exam? Pag fail ba, goodbye invitation na?


  • se29mse29m Perth
    Posts: 2,144Member, Moderator
    Joined: Sep 14, 2015
    @gdcan basta follow mo reconmendation ng gp then ask mo sila kelan follow up scan.. may kilala ako nag sputum and stool tests then after 6 montha nagkagrant na

    233211 Civil Engineer
    30/09/15 - VETASSESS Lodged - 133112 Project Builder
    09/10/15 - IELTS Results: L-7.5, R-7.0, W-6.0, S-7.5 OBS-7.0
    19/10/15 - PTE A Results: L-82, R-74, S-90, W-76 OAS-79
    26/11/15 - Obtained NBI Clearance
    09/12/15 - VETASSESS Results - NEGATIVE!!!
    12/01/16 - Submitted CDR to Engineers Australia
    22/01/16 - EA Positive Results - Bachelor's Degree with 4 years 8 months skilled employment
    22/01/16 - Lodged EOI 189 (60pts)
    03/02/16 - Received 189 ITA
    11/02/16 - Health Clearance Provided - No Action Required
    18/02/16 - Obtained SG CoC
    26/02/16 - Lodged 189 Visa
    15/03/16 - Direct Grant - IED 11/02/2017
    25/05/16 - Big Move Perth!
    16/06/16 - Started Casual Work
    11/07/16 - Permanent Full-time Work

    Now for the Citizenship Journey

    26/08/2019 - Applied and acknowledgement letter received
    27/09/2019 - Test Email Invite for 19/12/2019
    01/10/2019 - Actual Test/Interview Date
    01/10/2019 - Approval Date (received the approval letter from the post 11/10/2019)
    05/02/2020 - Ceremony Date (received the email 10/01/2020)

  • gdcangdcan Melbourne
    Posts: 42Member
    Joined: Jan 15, 2019
    @se29m thank you!
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