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Qualification Points

Hello po!

2 po course ko Diploma in Electronics Engineering Technology & Bachelor in Technical Teacher Education.

Successful po assessment ko sa TRA pero ang na mentioned lang ay ang Diploma ko dahil un ang related sa occupation and skill ko. Hindi ako nag teacher.

Ilang points po kaya ang ma-claim ko 15 or 10?

Thank you!


  • bulbasaurbulbasaur Perth, WA
    Posts: 81Member
    Joined: Jan 29, 2015
    @Jael27 Are these courses done in Australia or from an Australian Accredited Institution or are you awarded from an assessment?

    A Doctorate degree from an Australian educational institution or a Doctorate from another educational institution that is of a recognized standard (can be outside Australia) gives you 20.

    A Bachelor (or Masters) degree from an Australian educational institution or a Bachelor (or Masters) qualification, from another educational institution that is of a recognized standard (can be outside Australia) gives you 15.

    A diploma or trade qualification completed in Australia gives you 10.

    And an award or qualification recognized by the relevant assessing authority for your nominated skilled occupation gives you 10 points.
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