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Major update has been completed. Please help to report any abnormality that you are facing (in case there is any) to [email protected] . Thank you for your continued support guys!

Priests needed

pinkpink SAPosts: 499Member
Hi mga ka-Pinoy Au! Baka po may mga kakilala, kaibigan or kamag anak po kayo na Catholic priest. Nangangailangan po ng pari ang Diocese of Port Pirie. Under 482 visa po ito. Kahit po yung gusto lang mag Sabbatical leave or kahit mag mission lang po. Pede rin po mag short stay muna sya dito para Makita nya po ang way of living and makapag decide sya kung gusto nya mag stay.

Thank you! :)

Occupation: Accountant 190/75pts

28.12.15 IELTS - Unsuccessful
23.02.16 PTE - Successful 10 pts
23.04.16 CPAA positive skills assessment
11.05.16 CPAA positive employment assessment (minus 5 yrs for EA experience) :(
12.05.16 EOI 189-65points and190 NSW-70points
23.05.16 PTE take 2 for 20 points - unsuccessful
22.06.16 PTE take 3 for 20 points - unsuccessful
01.08.16 Sent appeal to CPAA to reconsider EA experience
05.08.16 Submitted SA 190 application under chain migration
07.09.16 CPAA positive result of appeal/Updated EOI 189/70; 190/75
16.09.16 NSW nomination - will let this expire
28.09.16 SA approval/ITA 190 received
17.10.16 Medicals at SLEC BGC
01.11.16 Lodged
30.11.16 Received Immi Assessment Commenced/CO allocation email
11.01.17 DG
16.04.17 Big move

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