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frustrating apartment seeking for new migrants

inot1227inot1227 ACTPosts: 6Member
I did not know that it is this hard for new migrants to find a place to start up their new life in AUS.
When looking for desired unit/apartment with housing agencies, new migrants seem to be shortlisted easily coz of no rental history and initial employment.
Time is ticking. Saved-up Money on-hand are flowing out daily.
This reality is only felt once you are here in AUS.

Yep. Life's a struggle, i know.
just sharing
cheers and God bless


  • SAP_ConsultantSAP_Consultant Australia
    Posts: 85Member
    Joined: Dec 09, 2016
    Did you mean not shortlisted? Yeah, it's like job hunting. You'll get through it.
  • MeggerMegger Sydney
    Posts: 913Member
    Joined: Nov 15, 2014
    @inot1227 , makakakuha ka rin. Tiyaga at pasensya talaga.

    312312 - (Electrical Engineering Technician) Primary

    11/27/2015 - Lodge TRA assessment application
    02/26/2016 - Received TRA outcome letter
    04/19/2016 - lodge vetasses qualification assessment.
    05/20/2016- Received Vetassess PTA, AQF Bachelors Degree
    05/21/2016- Lodge SS for SA
    06/06/2016- Received ITA SS SA
    06/11/2016- Lodge SS for NSW
    06/27/2016- Received ITA SS NSW ( God is great! thank you Lord)
    07/14/2016- Medical Cleared
    07/31/2016- lodge ITA NSW
    08/05/2016- Uploaded NBI. Waiting.. In His time everything is right..,
    23/11/2016- Grant ( Thanks Lord God )

  • inot1227inot1227 ACT
    Posts: 6Member
    Joined: Nov 30, 2012
    Yes @SAP_Consultant, i mean 'not shorlisted'. Thanks for the correction.
    Yes @Megger, I know. Thank you.
  • inot1227inot1227 ACT
    Posts: 6Member
    Joined: Nov 30, 2012
    After 2-3weeks from my 1st viewing and online application from agencies LJHooker, Badenoch, Sadilquinlan, RayWhite,, and others and some private listers. Only Badenoch responded with unsuccessful/denied application, and the rest, no replies.
    I know unit owners want to assure that they will receive the payment. But it seems there's no consideration to migrants how can afford to give the right bond and weekly payment. ... just saying. Thanks. Cheers and God bless
  • akinoakino Sydney
    Posts: 84Member
    Joined: Jan 03, 2011
    Try to look for private listing accomodations..yung direct sa owner, they are easy to deal with and will usually consider your no rental history.
  • akinoakino Sydney
    Posts: 84Member
    Joined: Jan 03, 2011
    I know someone with available room for single, pinoy owner, location is in Kambah..message me for details if you are keen..cheers
  • Joel4210Joel4210 Posts: 1Member
    Joined: Sep 07, 2019

    Hi to All, nghhnap din kmi apartment dito s Canberra at npakhirap nmn. Kng sino man nkkaalam patulong nmn, specially s Turner area. Thank you

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