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Masters in Nursing

RaejiRaeji SydneyPosts: 29Member
Hi! Just want to hear your experiences, comments and suggestions. My agent advised me to take masters instead of bachelor. Thanks!


  • bulbasaurbulbasaur Perth, WA
    Posts: 81Member
    Joined: Jan 29, 2015

    Three Options:

    1. Take a two year-masters and get an additional temporary graduate visa after your student visa to have enough lee time to apply for PR.

    2. Take a 1 year bachelors then get another short course for the student visa to have enough time to look for work with sponsorship or to apply for PR.

    3. Take any course then go home and apply for PR.

    Note: Applying for PR depends on the amount of points you'll have. More points get you higher chance on getting invited.


  • RaejiRaeji Sydney
    Posts: 29Member
    Joined: Oct 08, 2017
    If i have my family naman po there, they are already PR po. Pwde po tumaas points?
  • bulbasaurbulbasaur Perth, WA
    Posts: 81Member
    Joined: Jan 29, 2015

    @Raeji said:

    If i have my family naman po there, they are already PR po. Pwde po tumaas points?

    Sorry for the late reply. When you said family? Are you referring to your wife and kids? Or your mum/dad or sibling? Or a relative?

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