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Room available in Caroline Spring

Bag-iwBag-iw Posts: 10Member

One room has recently become available for student or working professionals

Bedroom with single size bed comes furnished with pillows, blanket, study table, floor lamp, fan and heater is ready for you to move in.

The house is conveniently located in a quiet estate, 5mins drive to Caroline Springs shopping mall and other amenities, including a library, medical clinic, school, public pool, sports oval and restaurants.

A bus stop nearby will take you to Watergarden train station from there its 40mins to Melbourne CDB by train

Looking for a female tenant who is tidy and organized

Free use of fast internet (fibre connection)

Send me a message if you require more information or want to book an inspection.


  • jezzeljezzel Posts: 6Member
    Joined: Jun 27, 2019
    How much po?
  • Bag-iwBag-iw Posts: 10Member
    Joined: Mar 30, 2019

    $150 p/w inclusive of bills

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