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New points for spouse partner by Nov

Hello @RheaMARN1171933. May I ask pls if the evidence needed for spouse to claim na skilled is to submit application ren for skills assessment? And take English competency test din? So that means both main applicant and spouse will have to prepare docs and apply for skills assessment? If not, what documents are acceptable to get spouse points?


  • irl031816irl031816 Manila
    Posts: 281Member
    Joined: Feb 19, 2016
    edited August 2019

    I also have question po sana regarding claiming of partner's points. It is said that you and your partner should be on the same list to be eligible for partner's points. But how if I am applying for Visa 190 and 489 in which my partner's occupation is also qualified to apply? Can I claim additional partner points for that?

    To give a clear picture, My ANZSCO code is 2221213 -External Auditor and is under MLTSSL while my husband is 232411 - Graphic Designer under STSOL, If my understanding is correct, I cannot claim for partner's points if I'll be applying for Visa 189 since my husband is not eligible for that kind of visa. But how about for Visa 190 and 489 in which he is already qualified? Does the same also apply?

    221213 External Auditor : 189 - 75pts / 190 - 80pts / 491 - 90 pts (Age:30/Educ:15/Exp:15/English:10/SS:5)

    23/03/2019 – 1st PTE Exam : L87/R73/S86/W86
    08/04/2019 – 2nd PTE Exam : L90/R77/S86/W90
    13/05/2019 – 3rd PTE Exam : L85/R81/S81/W90 SUPERIOR! 
    17/05/2019 - Applied and paid for CPAA Migration skill assessment
    22/05/2019 - Submitted academic and skilled employment docs to CPAA for assessment
    17/06/2019 – Received CPAA’s positive skills assessment
    17/06/2019 – Lodged EOI 189/190 NSW @ 75/80 points
    2019 - 2022 - Lodged multiple EOIs to different states but didn't receive any invite due to pandemic; skills assessment and PTE both got expired

    10/08/2022 - 1st PTE Exam retake; Proficient
    11/08/2022 - Applied for CPAA skill reassessment
    26/08/2022 - 2nd PTE Exam retake; Proficient
    05/09/2022 - Received CPAA skill assessment outcome
    06/09 - 20/09 - Lodged multiple EOIs 189/190/491 @ 75/80/90 points
    08/12/2022 - Received ITA for Visa 189
    31/01/2023 - Lodged Visa 189 for family of four
    01/02/2023 - Uploaded Form 80 and 1221
    05/04/2023 - Medicals
    14/04/2023 - Medicals cleared for me and two kids
    02/05/2023 - Request for further medical information for husband; required Sputum test, culture and repeat xray
    26/06/2023 - 28/06/2023 - Sputum samples collection
    03/07/2023 - Negative sputum result
    06/07/2023 - Repeat xray; panel physician informed husband that result was good and the reqt on xray is already complied!
    23/08/2023 - End and result of 8-week culture
    06/09/2023 - Medicals cleared for husband
    xx/xx/xxxx - VISA GRANT!

  • arianignacioarianignacio Cebu
    Posts: 45Member
    Joined: Apr 02, 2019

    @AimHigh88 said:

    Hello @RheaMARN1171933. May I ask pls if the evidence needed for spouse to claim na skilled is to submit application ren for skills assessment? And take English competency test din? So that means both main applicant and spouse will have to prepare docs and apply for skills assessment? If not, what documents are acceptable to get spouse points?

    Hi @AimHigh88 , same scenario here. did you and your partner take the english and skills assessment?
    We are planning to take both since the only way to prove my partner is skilled and competent in english is to take the PTE/IELTS and Skills Assessment.

    ANZSCO 261312 | Developer Programmer
    Age: 30 | English: 20 | Work Exp: 10 | Educ: 15 | Partner: 5 | Total: 80points
    09.22.2019 | Submitted ACS (ANZSCO 261312)
    09.23.2019 | Wife submitted to ACS (ANZSCO 261312)
    10.25.2019 | PTE A Test : LRSW|90/90/90/80 - Superior
    10.25.2019 | Wife took PTE A Test : LRSW|70/71/74/71 - Proficient
    10.28.2019 | Wife received positive results from ACS.
    10.29.2019 | Received positive results from ACS.
    10.29.2019 | Submitted EOI for 189
    11.05.2019 | Submitted EOI for 190 (VIC)
    08.11.2020 | Took NAATI CCL For Filipino
    08.31.2020 | Received positive results from NAATI (+5 points)

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