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Married in Australia as visitors visa

lowela_uglowela_ug MountainPosts: 7Member
edited August 2019 in Partner Visa

Hi guys!
I need your advise.
I applied/granted visitors visa last july2018. Multiple entry.
And I traveled to Australia4x.
Only 3rd entry my fiance and I decided to get married in Australia before I go back to Philippines and my visa expire last July,2019.
Now I'm back to Philippines and plan to apply visitors visa again. Since we still save up money for spouse visa . Question:
1.)Do I need to change my status/ name when I apply for visitors visa? since I didn't change my passport and reported to embassy yet when I was in Australia.
2.) Do I need to book an appointment to CFO even I'm only married in Australia, not yet registered here in Philippines our marriage.
Reason: if I change my name I need to change my my government ID's . important requirement.
Hope you can help me advise or idea how.
Thank you


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