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Major update has been completed. Please help to report any abnormality that you are facing (in case there is any) to [email protected] . Thank you for your continued support guys!

Oct Visa Lodgement

archeamarcheam ManilaPosts: 59Member

Hi! Sino po naglodge ng visa ngayon october? May update na po ba? :smiley:

05/09/17 - Start of Journey for AUS Migration
08/08/17 - PTE failed :( L65|R68|S44|W87
08/14/17 - Vetassess Assessment
08/31/17 - Vetassess additional requirements
09/28/17 - Vetassess FAVORABLE LETTER
02/02/18 - PTE Proficient :) L68|R76|S79|W72
02/08/18 - EOI lodged (NSW 190 - 55 points)
03/01/18 - PTE Superior failed :( L69|R80|S69|W79
04/23/18 - PTE Superior failed AGAIN :( L73|R82|S77|W76
00/__/18 - pre invite


  • SulaySulay Posts: 17Member
    Joined: Sep 24, 2019

    Still waiting ka parin po pala ng visa sir

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