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Looking for Mature Experienced Nanny Live-in/Live-out

burnlieburnlie North RydePosts: 1Member
edited May 2013 in Working in Australia
Hi there we are looking for a MATURE Asian live-in or live-out nanny/housekeeper such as Filipino, Malaysian, Indonesian or Chinese to look after my 10mths old baby. We will move to Waterloo in a month's time and need a full time nanny who can work 6 days a week. Job task include babysitting, food preparing, cleaning, laundry and basically tidying up the house. Live in nanny will be provided food, internet and accomodation, $500 per wk. Live out nanny will be required from 11am-7pm 6 days a week, $80 per day and $480 per wk. This job is consistent/ongoing and will make sure you will have a stable income. Experienced nanny and housekeeper are mostly welcome. For any enquiries and resume please send to [email protected] or sms. Thanks.
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