Hi! I was looking for thread about AIM Skills Assessment. Anyone who recently submitted for evaluation? Just submitted mine last Jan 28.
Sales & Marketing Manager
10|01|19 - Applied for VETASSESS Assessment (ICT Business Development Manager)
12|20|19 - VETASSESS Positive for ICT Business Development Manager occupation removed from NT list
01|28|20 - Applied for AIM Skills Assessment (Sales & Marketing Manager)
01|31|20 - AIM Skills Assessed Positive for Sales & Marketing Manager
02|29|20- PTE Academics (Proficient Plus)
03|10|20 - PTE Academics (Superior)
03|11|20 - EOI Lodge | SA 491 (90 PTS)
06|03|20 - EOI point update (95 PTS) due to experience milestone but does not affect SA nomination application
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